Eric J Ostrander's

ClearCase / ClearQuest / Git/Stash "how to" pages.

Unified Change Management (UCM), how do I ...

Activities   |   Base ClearCase   |   Baselines   |   ClearQuest integration   |   Components   |   Deliver & Rebase   |   Folders   |   Misc   |   MultiSite   |   Projects   |   Streams   |   Views

This page is my own personal work. Anyone can use it for their own edification, but must realize that this material is not supported by me and the site is not affiliated with IBM Rational Software or Atlassian.

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Create an activity. (mkactivity)
Set an activity. (setactivity)
Unset an activity or change the CC view associated with a CQ activity. (setactivity)
Remove an activity. (rmactivity)
List activities. (lsactivity)
Modify an activity's parameters. (chactivity)
Rename an activity. (rename)
Lock an activity. (lock)
Move an activity between streams or projects.
View a stream's currently set activity. (lsactivity)
Determine/find undelivered activities.
Find what activities are posted for deliver.
Set a CQ activity in a non-GUI environment.
Deliver an activity to a non-default target.
Share an activity.
List all activities associated with an element. (lshistory)
Determine/find activities between two baselines.
Find the activities delivered as part of a deliver opertation.
Compare a version with its change set predecessor.
Clean out old activities. Obsolete an activity.
Finish an activity.
Determine an activity's change set.
Limit the use of a CQ Activity to just the Owner (Assignee).
Reassign an Activity.
View an Activity's change set in a CQ query.
Programatically determine what activity was used to create a given version.

Back to the TOP
Create a baseline. (mkbl)
Remove a baseline. (rmbl)
List baselines. (lsbl)
Modify a baseline's parameters. (chbl)
Diff baselines. (diffbl,cleardiffbl)
Rebase to a baseline. (rebase)
Deliver a baseline. (deliver)
Import a label on which to baseline.
Customize baseline promotion levels. (setplevel)
Rename a baseline. (rename)
Lock a baseline. (lock)
Determine which streams are referencing a baseline. (lsbl)
Promote a baseline. (chbl)
Determine/set a project's recommended baseline promotion level.
Determine a stream's latest baseline.
Create a composite baseline.
Recommend a baseline. (chstream)
Change a project's foundation baseline for a component.
Browse component baselines. (clearcomptree)
Set a baseline naming template. (chproject)
Deliver a baseline.
Determine the label type associated with a baseline.
Determine a composite baseline's dependent baselines.
ClearCase-ClearQuest integration
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Reset the CC/CQ integration CQ login.
General UCM integration.
Remove the CC-UCM/CQ integration.
Set CC-UCM/CQ integration policies.
Ensure UCM activities are linked to CQ records. (squid_patch)
UCM enable a CQ schema.
Ensure all UCM activities are unlinked from CQ.
Set the CQ login in a non-GUI environment. (SQUID_USER SQUID_PASSWORD)
Connect a UCM project to a CQ db in a different master db.
Use a record type other than UCMUtilityActivity when connecting an existing UCM project to CQ.
Refresh a CQ UCM_Project record that is linked to a CC project. (squid_patch)
Display link information. (pvarutil,squid_patch)
Repair links. (pvarutil,squid_patch)
Remove links. (pvarutil,squid_patch)
Check PVOB/CQ db consistency.
Connect a UCM Project to multiple CQ databases.
Delete a UCM-enabled record type.

Back to the TOP
Create a VOB-level or sub-VOB component. (mkcomp)
Remove a component. (rmcomp)
List components. (lscomp)
Make a UCM component from an existing CC VOB.
Make a component modifiable/non-modifiable.
Add a component to a project.
Rename a component.
Change a project's foundation baseline for a component.
Remove a component from a project.
Share a component between PVOBs.
Create a component without a VOB (rootless).
Check PVOB/component consistency.
Split a VOB-level component into separate components.
Change a component's root directory.
Determine a component's VOB.
Determine if a component is modifiable or read-only in a give project.

Deliver & Rebase
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Deliver start action also calls mkbl.
Determine if any delivers are in progress to a give stream.
Deliver a component configuration change.
Deliver multiple dev streams simultaneously.

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List folders. (lsfolder)
Create a project folder. (mkfolder)
Remove a folder. (rmfolder)
Modify a folder's parameters. (chfolder)
Rename a folder. (rename)

Back to the TOP
Set up UCM from scratch.
Change protections on UCM objects. (protect)
Get help. (man hyperhelp apropos)
Add/remove a view shortcut page to/from the CC Explorer.

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Nothing yet.

Back to the TOP
Create a project VOB (PVOB). (mkvob)
Create a project folder. (mkfolder)
Create a project. (mkproject)
Modify project parameters. (chproject)
Rename a project. (rename)
Remove a project. (rmproject)
List projects. (lsproject)
Join a project. (clearjoinproj clearprojexp)
Set a default view type.
Interproject rebase.
Interproject deliver.
Make a component modifiable/non-modifiable.
Determine/set a project's recommended baseline promotion level.
Add a component to a project.
Rename a project's Integration stream/branch. (rename chstream setcs)
Set project policies.
Lock a project. (lock)
Retire a project.
Change a project's foundation baseline for a component.
Remove a component from a project. (rmcomp)
Determine a project's integration stream name.
List a project's modifiable components.
Create a single-stream project.
Prevent users from joining a project.
List all of a project's components.
Determine a project's current baseline naming template.
Determine what other project a given project is based on, if any.
Create/modify a project template.
Display the current project template.
Create a project that has hundreds of components.
Move an existing project to a different folder.

Back to the TOP
Create a stream. (mkstream)
List streams. (lsstream)
Remove a stream. (rmstream)
Rebase. (rebase)
Import a label onto an integration stream.
Determine which streams are referencing a baseline. (lsbl)
Rename a stream/branch. (rename)
Determine a stream's latest baseline.
Set up development stream hierarchies.
Set stream policies. (chstream)
Set the default deliver stream.
View a stream's currently set activity. (lsactivity)
Deliver to a read-only component.
Rebase to a baseline other than the recommended.
Find what activities are posted for deliver.
Change the default deliver target of a stream.
Share ownership of a stream.
Undo a completed deliver or rebase.
Change stream mastership. (chmaster)
Create a read-only stream.
Auto-rebase as preop checkout.
Lock a stream.
List all baselines applied to a stream.
Create/modify a stream template.
Display the current stream template.
Determine if any delivers are in progress to a give stream.

Back to the TOP
UCM views
Emulate a UCM view with a base CC view.
Synchronize a view with its stream.
Determine a view's stream.
Change the view associated with an in-progress deliver or rebase.
Determine the currently set activity.

Create an activity.
There can be only one set (active) activity per view. There can be more than one associated with it, but only one active at a time. An activity records everything that happens in that development view while that activity is set. If only one activity is specified during creation, it is automatically the one set in that view context. If more than one activity is created using one command, no activity is set. In that case, or when needing to set to an activity, use setactivity. The mkactivity command is not applicable if in a project that is CQ enabled. In that case, use setactivity and specify the CQ-record-ID as the activity-name.
From the Project Explorer, not possible.
From the CLI:
  # ct mkact activity-name
The activity-name is not mandatory, but it's recommended that you give the activity a nice mnemonic name, otherwise CC will choose a difficult name, such as activity000622.202648.
Some useful options:
-hea.line   Descriptive title. Give the activity a title other than its name as the default.
-in   stream-name Specify the stream name, if not in the development view you wish to associate with the activity.
-nset Do not set to the new activity.
-force If no acitivity-name is given, CC won't ask for confirmation before generating its own.

Table of Contents

Set an activity.
A stream can have no more than one activity set at a time. Even if two views are configured for one UCM stream, only one view can set a given activity. Only one stream can use a given activity forever. That is activities cannopt be migrated between streams, even if it's a CQ ticket that needs to be worked by two different developers. Each element that gets checked out in that view is recorded in the activity's change set. If elements are checked out to one activity while setting to a new one, CC will issue a warning. Integration activities cannot be reset if in use by a deliver or rebase, nor can you clear the activity with -none. The setactivity assumes you've completed the mkactivity. The mkactivity command will automatically perform a setactivity unless -nset was used.
From the Project Explorer, not possible.
From the CLI:
  # ct lsact -cview
  # ct setact activity-name

Table of Contents

Change or unset an activity associated with a view.
Updated: 04/03/12
Version: 7.0.1
You can't set and unset activities from the Project Explorer. A currently set activity can be unset via one the following.
1) Complete a deliver of the activity to the integration stream.
2) Set to a different activity in the Properties sheet of the view in the CC Explorer.
3) Check out a file under a different activity.
4) From the CLI:
  # If inside the view:
	ct setact -none
  # otherwise:
	ct setact -view  -none
It isn't possible to change the view associated with a CQ activity from within the CQ interface.

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Remove an activity.
In order for an activity to be removed, it cannot have any versions in its change set. If versions exist in the activity's change set, they can removed or moved to another activity via chactivity. Also, it cannot be set as the current activity for a view. If associated with a view that is CQ enabled, the activity is unlinked from CQ, but nothing in CQ is deleted.
From the Project Explorer, double-click on the stream that owns that activity. Right-click on the activity and select Properties.
From the CLI:
  # ct rmact activity-name
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List activities.
From the Project Explorer, not possible.
From the CLI. Without options, lsact will return nothing unless inside the PVOB. The default is to list activities in the project VOB of the current directory.
  # ct lsact [ option(s) ] [ activity ]
-s.hort List only the activity names. Display a detailed description of each activity.
-fmt   format-string Format the output to taste. See the fmt_ccase reference page.
-anc.estor   [ integer ] Display the stream, project, folder tree to an optional depth of integer.
-inv.ob   vob:vob-tag Specify a PVOB other than the default one.
-in   stream List activities associated with stream.
-cac.t List the currently set activity.
-vie.w   view-tag List the activities associated with the specified view.
-cvi.ew List the activities associated with the current view.
-obs.olete New in CC 4.2, also list those activities that have been locked and obsoleted.
-contrib New in CC 5.0/2002, list the activities that contributed to an integration's deliver activity.
-me New in CC 2003.06.00. Display activities owned by the current user.
-user   username New in CC 2003.06.00. Display activities owned by the designated user.

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Modify an activity's parameters.
From the Project Explorer, highlight a stream and go to its Properties Configuration tab. Select an activity and click on its Properties.
From the CLI:
  # ct chactivity option(s)
-hea.dline   headline   activity Modify the headline. Does not affect the activity's ID name.   from-activity to-activity   version(s)[,...] Move version(s) from from-activity to to-activity in the same stream.
-vie.w   viewtag New in CC 2003.06.00. Change the activity in the specified view.
-cqact.ion { -cac.t | activity-selector } New in CC 2003.06.00. Check in all versions and close CQ ticket if policy is set. See note below.
NOTE: The operation will fail if your project is not enabled for CQ, is not a single-stream project and your stream is not in an integration stream of a multiple-stream project. If none of the relevant CQ policies have been set, specifying the option just checks in versions in the change set. The –cqaction option makes it possible for a single-stream project to close the current (-cact) or specified activity without having to deliver it.

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Rename an activity.
From the Project Explorer, highlight a stream and go to its Properties Configuration tab. Select an activity and click on its Properties. The Headline (often called the Title) is merely a mnemonic that shows up in GUI interfaces. The ID (Name) and Headline (Title) can also be changed from the CLI. For the both Windows and Unix, the Name (not Headline) must adhere to the standard Unix naming convention.
  # ct rename activity:old-name new-name
  # ct chactivity -headline "new headline" new-name  

WARNING: If UCM is integrated with CQ, even though CC will allow you to rename an activity, do not, as it will end the link to the CQ record. Note that there is a difference between an activity's "Name" and its "Headline". If you simply change the headline of an activity, the corresponding headline in the CQ ticket will be changed as well, and vice versa (nice feature). In short, don't change the activity's official "Name" if integrated with CQ.

Table of Contents

Lock an activity.
Activities are normally unlocked. If an activity is no longer used, lock it. If you want the activity locked and not have it show in any listings, lock and obsolete it. It is still there and funtional, it just doesn't clutter up the activities list.
From the Project Explorer, highlight a stream and go to its Properties Configuration tab. Select an activity and click on its Properties Lock tab.
From the CLI:
  # ct lock activity:activity-name
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Move an activity between streams or projects.
It isn't possible to directly move an activity between streams or projects. At best, you can move an activity's changes. 1) Include the changes in a UCM baseline and perform an inter-project rebase. 2) Use base CC to merge changes between streams in a project or between project integration streams.
However, if CQ is integrated and you must use the original CQ ticket in the new stream, the following workaround can be employed. This can be needed if a user unwittingly does work in the "wrong" project. This procedure assumes that the activity/ticket to be moved to the other stream has not been delivered yet. If it has, the procedure is still valid to get the ticket moved, but you still need to decide what to do with the incorrect changes that are now in the integration stream. The best way to get those changes out is to simply do a base CC merge around the errant version(s). The procedure also assumes that there is only the one activity in the source dev stream. If there is more than one activity, during the base CC merge you will need to be very selective about which files get merged over.
1) You need to create a temporary place-holder/home for the change-set during the transfer. Create a dummy activity in the destination stream. Simply checkout a directory (any directory) in the destination stream. Associate the checkout with a new CQ ticket that you clearly label as "temporary". Then uncheckout that directory. That dummy ticket will be used as the activity during the base CC merge to the destination stream.
2) You need to perform a base CC merge using findmerge on the CLI or the Merge Manager GUI. Merge from the stream in the wrong project, to the stream containing the dummy activity created in step(1). Checkin all files when done.
3) You need to clean out the original CQ ticket that is to be moved. The CQ ticket must have an empty change-set before it's associated CC acitvity can be deleted and the CQ ticket used in a different stream. The easiest way to do this is to perfrom a rmver on the versions that were created using that ticket. The change-set in question is listed under the UCM tab on the CQ ticket.
4) Remove the CC activity associated with the CQ ticket to be moved. Once the "real" CQ ticket is empty (has no change-set), remove the activity using rmact.
5) In the destination stream, go to the properties sheet of the dummy activity created in step(1). Highlight the entire change-set, right-click and move them to the "real" activity.
6) Once the dummy activity/ticket is empty (has no change-set), perform a rmact on the associated CC activity and simply delete the temporary ticket from CQ.

Table of Contents

Determine/find undelivered activities.
From the CLI:
  # ct deliver -preview -s
In the ClearCase Report Builder, run a combination of the "Continued Activities in Streams" and "New Activities in Streams". New ones are those that have never been delivered. Continued ones are those that were at once delivered, but now contain additional undelivered work.

Table of Contents

Set a CQ activity in a non-GUI environment.
Normally when a user checks an element out, the integration with CQ prompts the user for an activity in a GUI dialog. The very first time a user checks a file out, CQ will prompt for the login and password as well. If there is the need, the login and password for the integration can be set on the CLI. The user will simply have to know what CQ record to assign to the checkout. On the machine requesting the activity assignment, set the environment variables SQUID_USER and SQUID_PASSWORD to the user's CQ login. As of CC 5.0/2002, there is no way for the integration to present a text prompt for the login. The set activity would then look something like:
  # ct setact datab00000678
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Deliver an activity to a non-default target.
As of CC 5.0/2002, users have the option of using "deliver" to move changes between development branches without going through the project's integration branch. Integration branches can also deliver to integration branches in other projects as well.
The default deliver target for a development stream is always the project's integration stream. The default deliver target for and integration stream can optionally be set during creation of the project or by accessing the project's properties afterward.
During deliver the user is simply supplied with two choices; deliver to the default target or designate an alternate target stream.
However, be aware that if the stream being merged to is not based on the same foundation baseline, the deliver may contain files not specifically changed in the activity being delivered, or perhaps entire components that are not being referenced by the target stream. So, these issues can significantly confuse the deliver and perhaps have undesired consequences for the target stream. For this reason Rational does not currently support a deliver to a non-default target if there are changes in the foundation baseline.

Table of Contents

Share an activity.
With or without CQ, there is no way to truly share an activity. However, there are some decent workarounds.
A) In UCM it's possible for two developers to share a single stream. However, they can't share an activity. Each developer still needs to set their own activity. Fortunately, when a deliver is done from that common dev stream, all activities can be delivered at once by one person.
B) If you don't want developers to work on the same stream, perhaps to avoid coding collisions, but you still want them to work as a team and deliver their combined effort as one deliver session/activity, you can have them each on their own stream. In this scenario each developer would deliver to a stream designated to hold the combined code (other than the standard integration stream). Once the code from each developer is collected/merged onto one stream, and possibly tested, that stream can then deliver to the integration stream.
C) If CQ is integrated and more than one developer needs to use a ticket as a UCM activity, a parent-child environment will need to be set up. In CQ the "real" activity would be the parent. Any developer that needs to use that ticket for development would create and use a child of that parent. This scenario can be used in combination with either (A) or (B) above.

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List all activities associated with an element.
The following command will produce a unique, sorted list of all activities associated with an element. If you play with the quoting a bit, it'll work on UNIX or Windows.
  # ct lshistory -fmt "%[activity]p\n" element | ccperl -e "foreach $activity () {$index{$activity}++;}; print STDOUT sort keys (%index);"
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Find the activities delivered as part of a deliver opertation.
Each deliver operation sets and uses a special acitivity in the integration stream of the general form "deliver.projectname...". That activity has a change set of element versions that can be viewed in its Properties sheet or with the describe command. To determine the original activities, follow the Merge hyperlink back to the source element version and look at the activity associated with that version. This could be scripted if necessary.

Table of Contents

Compare a version with its change set predecessor.
In most GUIs you can compare an element version with its predecessor. In an activity's Properties sheet you can compare a version in the activity's change set with the latest version prior to the start of the activity. So, no matter how ofter that element has been modified as part of that activity, you can compare it to what it looked like just prior to the start of that activity. In the activity's change set, right-click on the version.

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Clean out old activities. Obsolete an activity.
As time goes by, the list of activities associated with a given stream can become quite long. A long list of activities can get in the way when un/setting or delivering an activity. The list of activities that a user sees can be reduced.
UCM projects are more closely related to a single release of the software than the entire life of the product. For example, if you are creating a Widget, you wouldn't want to have a single UCM project called Widget that lasts for the entire life of the product. In addition to usability concerns, extremely long lists of things can cause performance issues in the long run as well. So, in this example you would want to have UCM projects called Widget_1.0, Widget_2.0, etc.. that correspond to the major releases of the product. That way, when a user joins another project to work on it, there isn't a long list of activities that were related to the creation of the previous release.
However, if a new project isn't feasible, a user can always finish the current round of work in the current dev stream, deliver that work, create and recommend a new baseline, and then rejoin the same project to create a fresh stream.
Also, if a new project isn't feasible, in the existing stream, you can lock and obsolete any unneeded activities. This will make them disappear from the list. You can obsolete the activity from the GUI properties sheet, or from the CLI.
  # ct lock -obsolete activity:activity-name@pvobtag

Ex: ct lock -obsolete activity:add_gui_button@/vobs/widget_pvob
Activities can always be unobsoleted, but only from the CLI, as they are no longer seen in any GUI. Never attempt to delete an activity.

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Finish an activity. Updated: 09/16/06
Right-click on the activity and select "Finish". Finishing an activity will merge the branch contents to the integration branch.

NOTE: As of CC 7.0, when an activity is "finished", CC will automatically unset that activity as the default.

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Determine an activity's change set. Updated: 11/30/11
The easiest way to see the change set is to log into CQ and view the change set on the ticket.
However, within CQ there is no way to query for the change. At most you can get the ucm_vob_object, which looks like: oid:0db5d6e9.08874fa5.9d34.6f:b8:1e:00:c4:4f@vobuuid:2952c2a4.393c11e0.b466.00:02:04:79:99:d6. Use that to get an activity object within the ClearCase Automation Library.
use Win32::OLE;
$CCApp		= Win32::OLE->new("ClearCase.Application");
$activityObj	= $CCApp->Activity($ucm_vob_object);
$viewObj	= $activityObj->NameResolverView;
$versionsCol	= $activityObj->ChangeSet($viewObj,"False");
The versions collection is all the versions in the change. You can then use CAL to get whatever information you need.

Within CC, inside the CC Explorer, click on My Activities. Then right-click on an activity to bring up its properties. If not integrated with CQ, it will show you the change set directly. If integrated with CQ, it will pop up the associated Activity record.

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Limit the use of a CQ Activity to the Owner (Assignee). Updated: 05/10/12
When CC and CQ are integrated, the default policies allow any user to use any Activity. A project policy can be set to ensure a given Activity is only used by the assigned Owner.
In the CC Project Explorer, right-click on the UCM project and select Policies. Under the ClearQuest tab, check the box for "Perform ClearQuest Action Before WorkOn. In CQ, the same policy can be set by editing the UCM_Project record for the project.
While that policy can be customized in the "UCU_ChkBeforeWorkOn" global script in CQ, the default behavior is that only the Owner can use the Activity.

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Reassign a CQ Activity. Updated: 05/10/12
When CC and CQ are integrated, the default policies allow any user to use any Activity. A project policy can be set to ensure a given Activity is only used by the assigned Owner. If that policy is set and a different user needs to use the Activity, it needs to be reassigned to the new user.
In CQ, edit the Activity record and change the Owner field to the login of the new user. In some schemas, the Owner field is hidden and is auto-set by changing the Assignee.
Before the new user can utilize the Activity, it needs to be disassociated from the old user's view. This can only be accomplished from within CC.
1) In the CC Explorer, create a view shortcut for the old view, right-click on the view and select View Properties. Under the general tab, click the Change button where it says "Current default activity for this view". In the resulting pop-up, select the entry for and click OK. Remove the view shortcut for the view (be careful to not select Remove View).
2) Or, from the CLI:
	ct setact -view view-tag -none
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View an Activity's change set in a CQ query. Updated: 06/13/12
Unfortunately, it isn't possible display the change set in a query's result set. The CQ ticket has the object id of the CC activity object. When a record displays the change set's contents, it has to go out to CC and retrieve the contents of the object id stored in the local ucm_vob_object field.

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Programmatically determine what activity was used to create a given version. Updated: 09/06/12
Unfortunately, it isn't possible using CAL methods.
The cleartool describe can be used though:
	# ct describe -fmt "%[activity]p" element
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Create a baseline.
Only integration streams have the option to baseline from the GUI. However, either an integration stream or development stream can baseline from the CLI. Baselines are limited to one component. That is, they are essentially one version of a component. Baselines can have one of the following predefined levels (in order of precedent): INITIAL, REJECTED, BUILT, TESTED, or RELEASED. However, one has the option to customize baseline promotion levels.
From the Project Explorer, right-click on an integration stream and Make Baseline.
From the CLI:
  # ct mkbl baseline-name
-vie.w   view-tag Make the baseline in the stream associated with view-tag.
-com.ponent   component-name[,...] Baseline the specified component(s).
-all Baseline all components that have changed since the Full baseline.
-ide.ntical Baseline all components in the project even if they haven't changed.
-act.ivities   activity(s)[,...] All activities are included in the baseline unless a subset is specified.
-nlabel Do not label the baseline. Cannot use as a foundation baseline, but can diffbl.
-inc.remental Label only the versions that have changed since the last Full baseline.
-fu.ll Label all versions visible in the view below the components root directory.
-imp.ort   label Baseline based on versions marked by the specified label.
-ade.pends_on   dependent-component-selector New in CC 5.0/2002, make -component a dependent of dependent-component-selector for composite baselines.
-dde.pends_on   dependent-component-selector New in CC 5.0/2002, remove -component as a dependent of dependent-component-selector for composite baselines.
-nac.t New in CC 5.0/2002, make a baseline in -component.
-vie.w   viewtag New in CC 2003.06.00. Specify the view from which to make the new baseline.

WARNING: Do not lock baselines immediatlely after application. UCM creates hyperlinks from one baseline to the next. Locking the baseline or its associated label type will get you into a state from which it is difficult to recover. Instead, if baseline label type locking is needed, write a trigger associated with the mklabel command to ask whether that label belongs to a baseline. Obviously this would only apply if the -replace option were used. This note is known to be applicable up to CC 5.0/2002. However, you can lock the baseline if you simply remember to unlock the previous one prior to application. For that operation you could trigger mkbl (CC 5.0/2002+) to unlock the previous one automatically if necessary and lock both the previous and current ones when done.

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Remove a baseline.
The baseline cannot be a foundation; referred to by a stream. The baseline cannot be the INITIAL baseline of a component. There cannot be any streams that have made changes based on the baseline. It cannot be in use if it's the basis for an incremental baseline.
From the Project Explorer, not possible.
From the CLI:
  # ct rmbl baseline
WARNING: In CC 5.0/2002+, the recommendation of a baseline is separate from the baseline itself. If a baseline is to be removed, ensure it isn't a recommended baseline. The rmbl command will not remove its recommended status.

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List baselines.
Updated: 09/09/13
From the Project Explorer, go to the Properties sheet of a stream. In its Baselines tab, select a component.
Or, in the Project Explorer, under a given PVOB, go to Components, right-click on a component and select Browse Baselines.
See also clearcomptree.
From the CLI, must supply either the baseline name, a stream name, or a component name.
  # ct lsbl option(s)
Note that if the application of a baseline is ongoing, the label associated with it will temporarily be appended with "_in_progress".

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Modify a baseline's parameters.
Change a baseline's labeling level or promotion status. To rename it, see rename. To change baseline promotion levels available, see "Customize baseline promotion levels".
From the Project Explorer, in the Properties sheet of the integration stream that owns the baseline, go to the Baselines tab and select a component. Select a baseline and go to its Properties. If it's a Full baseline, you can change the promotion level and alter its locked status. If it's an Incremental baseline, you can set the promotion level, alter its lock status and additionally, by clicking on Upgrade, change its title and contexts.
From the CLI:
  # ct chbl option baseline-name
-inc.remental Change the baseline's labeling status so that only versions that have changed since the last baseline get an incremental label.
-fu.ll Change the baseline's labeling status so that all versions selected by the view get a new label.
-level   level Set the baseline's promotion level to level.
-nre.curse New in CC 5.0/2002. Apply the change to the composite baseline only and not its members.

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Diff baselines.
Use diffbl to compare baseline-baseline, baseline-stream, or stream-stream.
The GUI diffbl can be invoked from the CLI via cleardiffbl.
There are three ways to get a list of activities that are between two baselines; each has is merits and demerits.
From the Project Explorer, right-click on a stream and select its Properties sheet. In the Properties sheet, go to the Baselines tab and select a component. Right-click on one of the component's baselines and choose to compare with previous/another baseline. The resulting report will show all activities between the two baselines. A yellow triangle indicates that the activity was part of (worked in) both baselines. An "a" with a red triangle underneath indicates the activity is new the latter baseline. The downside of this report is that there doesn't seem to be any way to save the report, or any way to filter out the undesired "deliver" activities that get reported as well.
From the Report Builder, a script can be written that runs a report similar to the one above. A good thing about this that you can filter out undesired activity results, such as "deliver" activities, and the report can be saved in a slick html format. The downside of doing it this way is that the Report Builder prompts the user for a baseline selector of the form "baseline:@\", where they need to supply the information from somewhere else. It'd be nice if you could force them to choose an integration stream first and then supply them with a pre-defined list of valid baselines from which to choose, similar to the Project Explorer interface.
From the CLI, run the diffbl command. The upside is that this can be called from an automated (perhaps scheduled) script.
  # ct diffbl object1 object2
-act.ivities Display differences in terms of activities.
-ver.sions Display differences in terms of versions.
-fir.st_only Only show the changes that appear in object1
-bas.elines New in CC 5.0/2002, display differences in terms of baselines when diffing composite baselines.
-nre.curse New in CC 5.0/2002, show differences between composite baselines themselves.
-nmerge New in CC 2003.06.00. When diffing baselines, reports only activity and version changes to the same stream.
NOTE: In the output of diffbl, activities will either be listed with a "<<", "->", or a ">>" next to them. The "->" means that that particular acitivity appears in both baselines being diffed, but the activity's change set has changed between the two. The "<<" and ">>" mean that the activity only apears in the former or latter baseline respectively. So, diffbl will not only show you if there are differences in the list of activities between two baselines, it will also show you if an activity's change set has changed as well.

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When selecting a baseline from which to rebase, the baseline must be part of the project's integration stream. The baseline must be more recent than a baseline currently in your development view, unless the component has not been modified in your stream. The set of baselines must be mutually consistent.
When resetting the foundation baseline, your development stream can only specify baselines in the project's integration stream or that are selected by the project's integration stream. Integration streams can only specify baselines in another project's integration stream. If a stream has made changes to a component, it can only reset its foundation baseline to one that is a successor of the one upon which those changes were based.
If multiple views are associated with the stream being rebased, the other views must run the following command to update their config_spec. This command does not affect snapshot view load rules. Unknown if this can be done from a GUI.
WARNING! There is NO way to back out of a completed rebase. Even though you can merge around (or rmver) the "bad" changes, the stream will still be pointing to the incorrect baseline. That means that any new views created for that stream or any streams created from that point will have an incorrect configuration in the their config specs. The only exception to this is if the stream that was just rebased has never had NEVER had any changes made to it. In that case, you can switch baselines at will. However, once the first change, of any type, is made to that stream, you can only rebase going forward. You cannot revert to a previous baseline.

  # ct setcs -stream
If the development view is a snapshot, CC will automatically start an update as part of the rebase.
Baselines can be dropped from the development stream's configuration only if the components have not been modified.
While one can choose which activities to deliver, a rebase gets all activities that have been delivered by other developers.
A rebase does not necessarily pick up on the LATEST version on the integration branch. It picks up on the versions associated with the latest recommended baseline, regardless of whether there are later versions or not.
All elements in the development stream must be checked in prior to rebase.
From the Project Explorer, right-click on the development stream and select Rebase Stream.
From the CLI:
Rebase graphically.
  # ct rebase -graphical
Cancel or get the status of a rebase.
  # ct rebase { -cancel | -status }
Begin a rebase (see options below).
  # ct rebase
Resume or complete a rebase.
  # ct rebase { -complete | -resume [ -complete ] }
Rebase options:
-vie.w   development-view-tag Rebase the specified view.
-pre.view [ | -s.hort ] Only display what would have happened in the rebase.
-rec.ommended Use the recommended baseline as the source to update your work area.
-bas.line   baseline-name(s)[,...] Specify one or more baselines from which to rebase.
-dba.seline   baseline-name(s)[,...] Specify one or more baselines to delete from the stream.
-f.orce Suppress the confirmation step.
-str.eam   stream-selector New in CC 5.0/2002, specify the stream to be rebased.

NOTE: As of CC 7.0, contrib files are no longer generated for a rebase merge, except for in CCRC, which continues to create them.

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Import a label on which to baseline.
Updated: 12/11/15

When importing an existing label to be used as a baseline, the label must be applied to versions starting with the component's root directory on down. The label type must be ordinary, as opposed to global.

From the Project Explorer, right-click on a PVOB and select Import Label. Importing a label via the GUI merely makes it known to the PVOB as a UCM object. To use it as a baseline source on an integration stream, you must import the label onto the integration stream. Then right-click on the integration stream and Make Baseline.

From the CLI:
	ct mkbl -import label baseline-name
	ct mkbl -nc -import -component component-selector label-type-selector
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Customize baseline promotion levels.
Updated: 02/08/13
If a promotion level is deleted but is in use by a baseline, it will simply be moved below the lowest priority level. After that, the only way to see baselines with that level is "ct lsbl -level -stream stream". A deleted level can be returned to service by merely re-adding it to the list. To see the list of current levels, use "ct describe vob:pvob-tag. The predefined levels are: REJECTED, INITIAL, BUILT, TESTED, and RELEASED. Rearranging promotion levels does not show up in the PVOB history. The list of baseline promotion levels is for the whole PVOB.
From the Project Explorer, select the desired PVOB and go to Tools -> Define Promotion Level. Once defined, a promotion level can be moved up or down in the order or deleted.
From the CLI. For any combination of levels, give the default level name (mandatory) and the list of current levels in order of lowest priority to highest. If a level is omitted from the list, it is considered deleted. If necessary, a PVOB can be specified via the -invob option.
  # ct setplevel -default default-level level-order

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Rename a baseline.
It's not easy or useful to rename a baseline. To fully rename a baseline takes several "under-the-hood" actions. If not comfortable with the inner-workings of UCM, you shouldn't attempt this without the help of Rational Tech Support. The following CLI steps are conducted while sitting in the PVOB. This must be done off hours. DO NOT let anyone make any modifications between the rename of the baseline and the rename of the label or there will be confusion.
1) Rename the baseline itself. This cannot be done from a GUI. As of CC 4.1 you can only change the "Name" and not the "Title". Unfortunately, it's the Title that users see in any GUI. So, the rename isn't particularly useful.
  # ct rename baseline:old-baseline-name new-baseline-name
2) Rename the label associated with the baseline. The baseline's properties will show what label is associated. It will be listed at the bottom and pointed to by a hyperlink called BaselineLbtype. Simply rename the label type.
  # ct describe -l baseline:new-baseline-name
  # ct rename lbtype:old-label-name new-label-name
3) Because any stream that is rebased to that baseline is now pointing to the incorrect baseline, that needs to be reset too. From the CLI, do a long description of the baseline. At the bottom you will see hyperlinks called UseBaseline. Make a note of every stream rebased against the baseline. Remove ALL the UseBaseline hyperlinks.
  # ct rmhlink UseBaseline@OID
4) Rebase any stream that was using the old baseline to the new baseline.

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Lock a baseline.
Obsoleting a baseline makes it so that it doesn't show up in any listings. This is useful to clean up clutter of long running project.
From the Project Explorer, go to the Properties sheet of the integration stream that owns the baseline. Go to its Baselines tab, select a component, select a baseline, and go to its Properties sheet lock tab.
From the CLI:
  # ct lock -obsolete baseline:baseline-name

However, locking a baseline just to secure it isn't necessary. Built into the UCM process model is a lock on a baseline and its associated label type and label instances. Out of the box, nobody can move a label around if it's part of a UCM baseline.
In fact, if you lock a baseline immediately after its creation, you have to unlock it get the next baseline created. Each baseline is connected to its label by a hyperlink called "BaselineLbtype". That label type is hyperlinked to the previous one by a hyperlink called "IncrementalLbtype", which is in turn hyperlinked to its baseline. If the previous baseline is locked, this system of hyperlinks will break and not complete properly, leaving you in a deranged state.

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Determine which streams are referencing a baseline.
  # ct lsbl -tree baseline
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Promote a baseline.
In the Project Explorer, highlight the integration stream that contains the baseline. Select File -> Properties. In the Baselines tab, select the component containing the baseline, select the baseline to be promoted and click on Properties.
NOTE: In CC 5.0/2002, baselines can be composite. However, even if a composite baseline is promoted, its dependents are not. They need to be promoted individually.
From the CLI, in the Integration view, in the PVOB:
  # cd \pvob
  # ct lsproject -s
  # ct lsstream -s -in project
  # ct lsbl -s -stream stream
  # ct chbl -level new-level baseline
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Determine/set a project's recommended baseline promotion level.
Each baseline has a promotion level associated with it. Promotion levels are in a hierarchy of baseline quality. The default promotion levels are REJECTED, INITIAL, BUILT, TESTED, and RELEASED. The promotion levels can be customized. One of the levels is designated as the project's recommended baseline promotion level. When users rebase their development streams, they are rebasing against the latest baseline that is at or above the recommended baseline promotion level.
For example, if the team lead sets the project's recommended promotion level to be TESTED, baselines that have just been applied (INITIAL or BUILT) will not be seen be developers during rebase. Only when a baseline has made it to the level of TESTED will developers be able to rebase against it.

Determine the project's recommended promotion level.

In the Project Explorer, open the project's Properties sheet and go to the Policy tab.
From the CLI:
  # ct lsproj -l project-name
or more specifically
  # ct describe -fmt "%[def_rebase_level]p\n" project-name
Set the project's recommended promotion level.
In the Project Explorer, open the project's Properties sheet and go to the Policy tab.
From the CLI:
  # ct chproject -rebase_level promotion-level project-name
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Determine a stream's latest baseline.
Updated: 12/23/15
Version: 7.1.2

Determining a stream's latest baseline does not imply finding the stream's latest recommended baseline, but merely the latest baseline of any promotion level. To get the latest recommended baseline for an arbitrary stream, you'll have to look at the GUI. However, you can get the list of recommended baselines for a project's integration stream: -fmt "%[rec_bls]p".

From the Project Explorer, enter the Properties sheet of the stream. Under the Baselines tab, choose the component. The latest baseline will be on top of the list.

Unfortunately, there is no way from the CLI to isolate the latest baseline for a specific component. That can only be done from the GUI. The following will produce a space-separated list of the latest baselines for all components.
	ct lsstream -fmt "%[latest_bls]p" stream-selector
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Create a composite baseline.
Updated: 07/23/14
Version: 7.1.2

Composite baselines are also known as project baselines.
In CC 5.0/2002+ baselines can be created that span several components.
In the Project Explorer, right-click on the stream that will contain the composite baseline and select Edit Baseline Dependencies. Identify the component that will house the composite baseline definition, then drag and drop the components onto that component. When OK is clicked, the wizard will prompt to apply a new baseline.
From this point forward, any Make Baseline (mkbl) done in the stream just configured will automatically be a composite baseline.
For an excellent and thorough overview of composite baselines, see

The following is useful if you have a large number of components. After getting the list of components from the describe, paste the list into a text file and remove the spaces.
	ct describe -fmt "%[components]CXp" stream-selector
	ct mkbl -component composite-bl-component -adepends_on all-other-components-comma-separated  new-bl-name
NOTE: Some of the documentation I've read states that composite baselines can only be applied in integration streams, but they can be applied to development streams.

NOTE: Unfortunately, as of CC 7.0, there is still no way from a GUI to apply the associated label in components that haven't changed, such as the -identical option can from the CLI. That is, even though one may apply a composite baseline across several components, the label associated with the new baseline will not get applied to components that haven't changed.

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Recommend a baseline.
Version: 7.1.2
Updated: 12/30/15

In CC 4.2-, any baseline whose promotion level was at or above the project's recommended promotion level was automatically a recommended baseline. That is, developers could rebase against it. In CC 2002.05.00, even if a baseline's level is raised to or above the project's minimum recommended level, it still must be explicitly recommended. The project still has a minimum recommended promotion level in its Properties sheet whose purpose is to set a minimum level for recommending baselines. If you attempt to recommend a baseline whose promotion level is below the project's minimum, CC will yell at you.

In general, only the stream owner (or higher) can recommend a baseline. See "Share ownership of a stream" for workarounds. However, a project or stream policy can be set to allow anyone to apply and recommend baselines.

If a component is read-only in a project, developers still rebase against the baseline recommended by the other project.
There can be only one recommended baseline per stream per component.
The baseline to be recommended must be from the same project as the stream.
The baseline to be recommended must be contained in the stream or at least the stream must be rebased to one of the baseline's decendents. You can clear the list of recommended baselines and start a new hierarchy of baseline dependencies. Ensure no stream attempts to rebase in the interim while there are no recommended baselines.
The baseline must contain the currently recommended baseline. That is, the newly recommended baseline must be a decendent of the currently recommended baseline.
You do not have to recommend a baseline for every component in the stream's configuration, when making the change from the GUI. However, if making the change using "chstream" on the CLI, you must specify every previously recommended baseline again or those will become un-recommended.

In the Project Explorer, right-click on the stream that contains the baseline to be recommended and select Recommend Baselines.
From the CLI (within the PVOB):
	ct chstream -recommended baseline-name stream-selector
To recommend all the latest and/or foundation baselines use -default instead of a baseline name. Note that the system will choose the latest baseline that is at or above the specified promotion level.
	ct chstream -recommended -default stream-selector
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Change a project's foundation baseline for a component.
When a component is initially created, a baseline is automatically created as the starting point of the UCM branching tree. If the VOB is empty, the baseline (component-name_INITIAL) is applied to /main/0. Alternatively, if the VOB already has data in it when it's componentized, after it's componentized you can import an existing base CC label and reset the component's starting point to that starting point instead. Projects created after that can use that new baseline as their foundation.
The baseline upon which a project is based for a component is called the foundation baseline. If a component is modifiable for a project, the foundation baseline cannot be changed after you've established one as the starting point. However, if the component is read-only for a project, the baseline in the read-only component to which users in that project point can be changed at will to pick up whatever version of the software is desired.
To change a component's foundation baseline for a project if that component is read-only for the project, in the Project Explorer go to the Properties sheet of the integration stream of the project in question. Go to the Configuration tab and select the component whose foundation baseline is to be changed. Click the Change button and select a new baseline among those listed.
Currently, this cannot be done from the CLI.

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Browse component baselines.
Analagous to the Version Tree Browser, a components baselines can be browsed in the Component Tree Browser. In the Project Explorer enter the folder called "Components". Right-click on the component to be browsed and select Browse Baselines.
The CLI doesn't have an analagous to "ct lsvtree", but you can invoke the GUI:
  # clearcomptree
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Deliver a baseline
Updated: 08/14/14
Version: 7.1.2

Open the Project Explorer and location the source stream. Right-click on the source stream and select Deliver Baselines.

WARNING: If an activity's changes are included in a baseline and that baseline is delivered to a different stream, all subsequent delivers to that other stream must include all previously delivered activities. Moreover, you can no longer deliver activities individually. UCM only allows selecting individual activities for delivery if they have not been included in a baseline in the source stream. So BE CAREUL about applying baselines in development streams.

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Determine the label type associated with a baseline
Updated: 11/17/15
Version: 7.1.2

When a baseline is created, it may or may not have an associated label. If it does, the label type will have the same name as baseline. However, it is possible to rename either the baseline or the label type independent of each other. For that reason, they may not have the same name. Look for the Hyperlink called "BaselineLbtype" in the description of the baseline. Unfortunately, that information can't be isolated using -fmt. If no label was associated with the baseline, that hyperlink won't appear in the description.
	ct describe baseline:baseline-name@pvob-tag
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Determine a composite baseline's dependent baseline heirarchy.
Updated: 12/03/15

A composite baseline is a virtual baseline made up of component baselines and/or other composite baselines in a heirarchy. You can determine what baselines a composite baseline depends on, but I don't know of any easy way to determine what other composite baselines depend on it (upward in the heirarchy).

Unfortunately, there is no "-fmt" parameter to just display the dependent baselines. In the output, look for the section called "depends on". The baselines it depends on may be component baselines or other component baselines, which in turn depend on other baselines. Unfortunately, there is no way to determine the whole heirarchy at once. If the heirarchy is complicated, you may have to do it programmatically.
	ct describe baseline:baseline-name@pvob
Also unfortunately, there is no way in the output to determine if a dependent baseline is a composite and needs to be inspected further. You simply have to run the describe on ALL baselines to build up the heirarchy. The describe of a component baseline will still have a "depends on" section, but empty.

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General UCM integration
CC 4.2-, once any project in a particular PVOB is associated with a CQ database, all projects in that PVOB must be associated with the same database. Different PVOBs can be linked to the same CQ database as long as all projects in both PVOBs are unique. If you want different CQ databases, you need different PVOBs.
As of CC 5.0, different projects in a single PVOB can be associated with different CQ user databases.
One can change a project's CQ database if no activities have occurred. If a UCM project is associated with a CQ database after activities have occurred, those activities are automatically linked to the UCMUtilityActivity record type. The CQ database to be integrated w/ CC must be UCM enabled. See "Enabling ClearQuest for Unified Change Management" in the AdministeringClearQuest.pdf file that comes bundled with CQ. This all assumes that the CQ integration functionality was installed along with CC.
On the CC NT side, in the Project Explorer, open the Properties sheet of the project to be integrated. Select "Project is ClearQuest-enabled" in the ClearQuest tab. The project's policies can be set from that same tab in CC or from CQ. In the CQ Client (after integration), run the UCMProjects query and Modify the appropriate stateless record type for that project.
As of CC 4.2 and CQ 2001, a new UCM package called AMStateTypes contains the State Type functionality and must be installed in your schema. See UCM enable a CQ schema for details.
NOTE: As of CC 5.0, while UCM is now supported in the web interface, you still cannot use the UCM / CQ integration in the web interface.
NOTE: Up to CC 4.0 and CQ 2.0, CC and CQ cannot be integrated with UCM in an interop environment. As of CC 4.1 and CQ 2000, UCM can be used in interop.
NOTES: If developers need to switch between CC projects that are connected to CQ, keep the schemas in the same repository so that they don't have to switch repositories in the CQ maintenance tool.

WARNING! Opening multiple nested CQ records in UCM will cause child forms to not function properly.

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Remove the CC-UCM/CQ integration
Updated: 09/19/06
A UCM project can be disconnected from CQ. If done, the project's activities are no longer linked to CQ records. On the CC side, simply go to the project's ClearQuest tab in its Properties sheet and deselect "Project is ClearQuest-enabled". If no other project in the current PVOB is associated with a CQ database, the recently disconnected project can be associated with a different database. However, all existing activities are linked to records in the UCMUtilityActivity record type.

New in CC 7.0, the integration can be broken using a command-line tool:
	crmregister remove -database db-logical-name
	crmregister remove -all

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Set CC-UCM/CQ integration policies.
Once CQ is integrated with CC via UCM, the project's policies can be changed either from the CC or CQ side. On the CC side, open the Project Explorer and go to the ClearQuest tab of the Properties sheet of the project to be worked. On the CQ side, open the CQ Client, run the UCMProjects query and simply Modify the parameters.
UCM has the following default policies. These policies are implemented as a Basic or Perl script in the CQ-UCM schema inside the Global Scripts folder.

There is a new set of UCM-CQ policies starting with CC 2003.06.00. See the Managing Software Projects online manual for a section called "UCM-ClearQuest Integration".

The following applicable up to CC 2002.05.00.

Check Assignment Before Work On
This policy simply states that the user associating an activity with a particular record must be the Owner (assigned to) of that record.
Check Before ClearCase Delivery
As a default, this does nothing. It is merely a placeholder that runs when a user delivers an activity. As an example, this could be modified to check for the status of a Delivery_approved check-box on the activity's CQ record that would need to be checked-off by a manager before allowing delivery.
Do ClearQuest Action After Delivery
This script runs for each activity attached to the delivery. It attempts to transition the associated records to the Complete state type. If a record cannot be transitioned, if there are missing field data for example, the activity is delivered but the delivery cannot be completed until the error is corrected. Any records that can be transitioned, will be, independent of errors in other records. Records cannot be transitioned to their current state. If this script is modified, be sure to adhere to these behaviours.
Check Mastership Before Deliver
This is new in CC 4.2, CQ UCM 3.0 package. UCM delivers in a CCMS/CQMS environment are handled differently depending on whether the local replica masters the integration stream or not. The "Do ClearQuest Action After Delivery" transitions a ticket to a Complete state type on behalf of the deliverer. To do this in a CQMS environment the ticket must be mastered by the site conducting the actual deliver. If the integration stream is mastered locally and if any ticket is not mastered locally, this policy will cause the deliver to fail. If the integration stream is mastered remotely, this policy will change the mastership of any locally mastered tickets to that remote site. When the Integrator at the remote site completes the deliver, CCMS automatically transfers mastership of the tickets back to the original site. If the integration stream is mastered remotely and there is any ticket that is mastered by a third site, the deliver fails.

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Ensure UCM activities are linked to CQ records.
If a UCM project with existing activities is CQ-enabled, it can happen that some activities remain unlinked. This can happen if there was a network failure during the enablement or because a CCMS PVOB added unlinked activities. Go to the ClearQuest tab in the Properties sheet of the UCM project and select "Ensure All Activities Are Linked". This button only appears if the UCM project is successfully integrated with a CQ user database.
This can also be accomplished from the CLI using:
  # ct chproject -crmenable
To ensure a single activity is linked, use the undocumented squid_patch command that lives in cc-home\etc\utils:
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -activity cq-record-id -refresh
See "Ensure all activities are unlinked" for the opposite case.

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UCM enable a CQ schema.
CQ comes with two UCM pre-enabled schemas: UnifiedChangeManagement and Enterprise. However, one can UCM enable any schema. Not all record types in a given schema need to be UCM enabled, but a record type must be UCM enabled to associate a project with it. A record type to be associated with UCM must have a Headline SHORT_STRING field of at least 120 characters, an Owner REFERENCE field tied to the CQ users record. It cannot already have one of the reserved field names: ucm_vob_object, ucm_stream, ucm_stream_object, nor ucm_view.
Apply the appropriate packages. In the Designer, Package -> Package Wizard. Add the UCMPolicyScripts. If it isn't listed, it needs to be installed in the repository. In that case, go to More Packages -> Install Packages. Next, add the option BaseCMActivity package. That package gives the lightweight record type and is not mandatory for UCM operations. Next, install the UnifiedChangeManagement package. It isn't necessary to UCM enable all record types in the current schema. Assign state types keeping the following two paragraphs in mind. The state types and default actions MUST be squared away before checking in the schema.
Once the schema is UCM enabled, the UCMUtilityActivity record type cannot be modified.
NOTE: Your schema must have a Submitted state for the UCM package to install properly. As a workaround, you can rename your "submission" state to Submitted, apply the package, and then rename it back :-).
The state transitions must have a direct path through the state types: Waiting, Ready, Active, and Complete. That is, each state in a UCM enabled record type has one of the four state types associated with it. No matter what your state transition matrix looks like, there needs to be a direct path from at least one Waiting state to at least one Ready state to at least one Active state and to at least one Complete state. These state types tell UCM when it's appropriate to perform/allow certain functions. For example, a record must be in an Active state type before a developer can associate CC checkouts with it.
The following default action rules must be adhered to. A Waiting type must have a default action that ends in a Waiting, Ready, or Active type. If a Ready type has an action that transitions directory to a Waiting type, that Waiting type must have a default action that ends in that Ready type. All Ready types must have a default action that ends in another Ready type or an Active type. All Ready types must have an action that transitions directly to a Waiting type. For the BaseCMActivity, its initial state must be a Waiting type. The following table is a basic guide to state types:
State Type Description State examples
Waiting Not yet assigned. Submitted, Postponed
Ready Assigned but not being worked yet. Assigned
Active Work is ongoing. Opened
Complete Work is complete or ticket is abandoned. Resolved, Closed, Duplicate
As of CC 4.2 and CQ 2001, a new UCM package called AMStateTypes that replaces UnifiedChangeMangement. All the state type relationships need be redone by hand with the schema checkedout. If installing AMStateTypes using CQ 2002+, the Package Wizard will prompt to set the states accordingly.

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Ensure all activities are unlinked.
If a UCM project is not integrated with CQ, the ClearQuest tab in the project's Properties sheet will have a button that ensures all UCM activities are unlinked from CQ. UCM activities can inadvertently seem to be still associated with CQ if the UCM project was once integrated.
This can also be accomplished from the CLI using:
  # ct chproject -ncrmenable
See "Ensure UCM activities are linked to CQ records" for the opposite case.

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Connect a UCM project to a CQ db in a different master db.
As of CC 5.0/2002, the UCM CC/CQ integration does not support multiple CQ dbsets. That is, if you attempt to connect a CC UCM project to a CQ database that is not part of the master db to which the Maintenance Tool is currently pointing, you will not see the choices for the other master dbs.
A workaround is to create the following key in the NT registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\ClearCase Squid. Under this key, create a value called "DBSet" containing the name of the master database you want to use.
On UNIX, set and environment variable:
  # setenv SQUID_DBSET dbset_name
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Use a record type other than UCMUtilityActivity when connecting an existing UCM project to CQ.
Windows ONLY. If you have an existing UCM project that already has activities associated with it and are about to connect that project to CQ, you can have CQ create the activity records in a record type other than UCMUtilityActivity. In regedt32, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Atria/ClearCase/CurrentVersion/ClearCase Squid". Change "UtilityEntity" to the name of the desired record type.
Because CQ automatically transitions the tickets to an Active state type, there cannot be any mandatory fields for the state transition. Also, when the connection is complete, be sure to change the registry back. That value is also used by the rebase and deliver acitivities.

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Refresh a CQ UCM_Project record that is linked to a CC project.
CQ records "echo" data stored in a CC PVOB. If that information seems to be out of date, the CQ UCM_Project record can be refreshed using the undocumented squid_patch command that lives in cc-home\etc\utils.
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -project project-name -refresh

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Display link information.
No CQ login information is required for squid_patch.
CC project link to CQ UCM_Project  (if ok, will show "UCM_Project")
  # pvarutil -pvob pvob-tag -object project:project-name@pvob-tag SQUID_PROJ_ENTITYDEF_NAME

CQ UCM_Project link to CC project  (if ok, will show CC project oid, title, and name)
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -project project-name ucm_vob_object

CC activity link to CQ record  (if ok, will show CQ record type and record number)
  # pvarutil -pvob pvob-tag -object activity:activity-name@pvob-tag SQUID_ACT_ENTITYDEF_NAME SQUID_ACT_DISPLAY_NAME

CQ record link to CC activity  (if ok, will show activity title and name)
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -activity record-ID ucm_vob_object
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Repair links.
The following commands should not be run without Rational Tech Support supervision.
CC project link to CQ UCM_Project
  # pvarutil -pvob pvob-tag -object project:project-name@pvob-tag SQUID_PROJ_ENTITYDEF_NAME=UCM_Project

CQ UCM_Project link to CC project
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -project project-name ucm_vob_object project:project-name@pvob-tag

CC activity link to CQ record
  # pvarutil -pvob pvob-tag -object activity:activity-name@pvob-tag SQUID_ACT_ENTITYDEF_NAME=record-type name SQUID_ACT_DISPLAY_NAME=record-ID

CQ record link to CC activity
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -activity record-ID ucm_vob_object activity:activity-name@pvob-tag
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Remove links.
The following commands should not be run without Rational Tech Support supervision.
CC project link to CQ UCM_Project
  # pvarutil -pvob pvob-tag -object project:project-name@pvob-tag SQUID_PROJ_ENTITYDEF_NAME=

CQ UCM_Project link to CC project
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -project project-name ucm_vob_object ""

CC activity link to CQ record
  # pvarutil -pvob pvob-tag -object activity:activity-name@pvob-tag SQUID_ACT_ENTITYDEF_NAME= SQUID_ACT_DISPLAY_NAME=

CQ record link to CC activity
  # squid_patch cq-db-name -activity record-ID ucm_vob_object ""
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Connect a UCM Project to multiple CQ databases.
Updated: 09/19/06
New in CC 7.0, a UCM Project can work with multiple CQ databases.

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Create a component.
Components are groups of files and directories. The scope of a project is defined by its components. A project must contain at least one component, but usually contains many. Projects can share components. Component objects live in a PVOB and point to directory elements, below which all files and subdirectories are elements of the component. An initial baseline is created automatically by designating /main/0 of the component's root directory as the starting point for modifications. However, you can alternately use an existing base CC label as the starting/foundation baseline of the component. Note that any base CC label used for that purpose MUST be local and not globally defined. You must create a VOB to hold the component if one doesn't already exist. Once a component VOB is associated with a PVOB, you can delete the component with rmcomp, but there is no way to move a component from one PVOB to another.
NOTE: Initially make the component read-only. That way, the foundation baseline can be changed at will if the true one is not known in advance, which is not true for writable components.
NOTE: As of CC 5.0/2002 it's possible to have a VOB house multiple components. A component's root directory can be the root directory (vobtag) of the VOB itself. However, if multiple components are housed in one VOB, each component's root directory (root-pname) must be immediately below the the VOB's root directory. Multiple component VOBS cannot already be components themselves. That is, you can't register a component within an existing component.
From clearvobadmin, not possible.
From NT GUI, select "Create VOB as a UCM component" during VOB creation. Multiple component VOBs can only be created from the CLI.
From the Project Explorer, highlight a PVOB and select Tools -> Import VOB.
From the CLI:
  # ct mkcomp -root root-pname component-name@PVOBtag

ex: single component VOB
  # ct mkcomp -root /vobs/myvob mycomponent@/vobs/mypvob
ex: multiple component VOB
  # cd /vobs/myvob
  # ct mkcomp -root component1_rootdir component1_name@/vobs/mypvob
  # ct mkcomp -root component2_rootdir component2_name@/vobs/mypvob
Optionally, you can use "-nroot" instead of "-root". The -nroot option creates a component whose sole purpose is to house composite baselines (CC 5.0/2002+) and cannot contain any elements.

NOTE: The argument to -root (the actual directory that will be the component's root) cannot contain any characters that do no conform to the standard UNIX naming convention (even when working on Windows). Basically, the root directory and the component name can only contain letters, numbers, dots, and underscores.

NOTE: If creating a multicomponent VOB, the component root directories do not have to already exist. In the example above, if component2_rootdir didn't already exist, it would be created for you and be left as a new element checkedin at /main/0. If the root directory does already exist, it must be a CC element. You cannot create a component on top of a view-private directory.

NOTE: If a component and its initial baseline are added to an integration stream, any views rebasing to that stream get the config_specs automatically updated. If the view is a snapshot, the view's load rules are not modified automatically.

NOTE: As of CC 7.0, you must be the PVOB owner or have a privileged identity to create a component.

WARNING: Once you have source code in a UCM component and you feel the VOB is growing too large, you CANNOT use relocate to split it. The upshot here is that UCM should not be used for very large projects, as UCM does not scale well.

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Remove a component.
Updated: 03/11/16

This is the same as saying "uncomponentize a VOB". It does not remove the VOB itself. The component cannot be in use by a stream. There cannot be baselines in the component other than the initial one. If there are streams and baselines and you still want to rmcomp, they must be removed first.
  # ct rmcomp component
If the component is a VOB, the VOB is not removed.
If the component is a sub-vob component, the root folder inside the VOB is removed for you.

WARNING! Even though the rmvob command will allow you to remove a UCM component VOB, DO NOT DO IT unless all UCM objects have been removed from the component VOB first. It MUST be an unused, empty VOB or you will have problems if that component was part of a project that will continue to exist with other components.

You CANNOT REMOVE a component/VOB of a live UCM project without breaking the project. If you don't want to use a component or its associated VOB anymore, lock down the component and VOB. Don't remove anything or the rest of the UCM project will be broken as well.
Each component is connected to its VOB root directory via a hyperlink called ComponentRootDir. If a VOB is removed without first removing the component, that link will be broken. You will be unable to perform UCM functions that involve the project with the broken component. But, you can't remove a component that is part of an active project. The removal of a VOB warns you that the VOB houses a UCM component, but doesn't stop you from removing it. If you do remove the VOB incorrectly, you'll have to clean up before UCM operations can proceed in that project.
One way to recover is to restore the missing VOB from backup. Assuming you haven't removed any other UCM objects, it should pick up where it left off.
If you are unable to restore the VOB for some reason, you will have to create another project to house any changes that exist in the broken project. That is, if a UCM project uses a component that is now broken, you will have to create a new UCM project that doesn't use the broken component. Once the new project has been created without the broken component, have each user join the project and perform base CC merges from each old branch to each new branch to essentially recreate the broken project without the component.

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List components.
  # ct lscomp
If not in a PVOB:
  # ct lscomp -invob PVOB-tag
Some useful options:
-s.hort Limit the listing to component names only. Include owner and group and in the listing.
-fmt   format-string Format the output to taste. See the fmt_ccase reference page.
-tre.e Recursively list baselines and streams in the components.
-obsolete Also list those components that have been locked and obsoleted. (new in 4.2)

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Make a UCM component from an existing CC VOB.
The following scenario assumes you have already turned the existing base CC VOB into a component.

Add the component to a project as modifiable.

Note that, once a component has been added to a project's modifiable component list, it cannot be changed to read-only. The following assumes there has been a label applied to all element versions in the VOB to be componentized that has been imported as the initial baseline.
From the CLI inside the PVOB:
  # ct lscomp -s
  # ct lsproj -s
  # ct chproject -amodcomp component project
Now, ensure a label is applied to all versions of files and directories in the component VOB that will be imported as the starting baseline. Import that label type into the PVOB. In the Project Explorer, highlight the PVOB, run Tools -> Import Label, Add the component VOB and select a label from the drop down list.
In short, turn the existing VOB into a component, apply labels to all versions to be used in the initial baseline and import that label type into the PVOB. As of CC 4.1, labels to be used for import into UCM cannot be globally defined. To change its status, simply change the MetaData type definition in the admin VOB to be local and the type definitions in the children will become local as well.
Alternatively, one can right-click on the integration stream and go to its properties sheet Configuration tab. In the Foundations Baselines window select Add. Select the component to be added and the baseline. If the only baseline that you see there is the INITIAL one created when the VOB was converted to a component, go to the paragraph above that ensures a label of your choosing has been properly imported. Once you click on OK and OK, it will start an automatic rebase. The integration stream cannot be in the middle of any other rebase or deliver operations. Once complete, the integration stream's view's config_spec will contain the lines necessary to work in that VOB.

Add the component to a project as read-only.

Once a base CC VOB is recognized by a PVOB as being a component, it is automatically available as a read-only component. However, if using that component for reading, be sure to add appropriate lines to your view's config_spec. That is, the only versions you will see -- in a component that is not listed as modifiable by your project -- are governed by the config_spec rule:
element * /main/0 -ucm -nocheckout
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Rename a component.
Updated: 01/28/16
In the Project Explorer, enter the PVOB and go to the Components folder. Right-click on the component to be renamed and enter its Properties sheet.
The following CLI command will rename a component. It assumes you are inside the PVOB. A rebase of streams in projects that use that component is not necessary, as the config_specs of the associated views only refer to the UUID of the component and not its name.
  # ct rename component:old-name new-name
Under normal circumstances a component is only defined in one PVOB. However, if the component appears in more than one PVOB, the rename of the component only changes the name in that one PVOB. Also, note that changing a component's name is not the same as changing the VOB's vobtag. To fully "rename" a component, one has to retag the vobtag as well. See "Rename a VOB".
Up to CC 4.2 a component also had a "headline/title" that was a description of the component. It was actually the title that was named when creating the original component. The component's "name" was generated from that, turning spaces into underscores and such. Starting with CC 5.0/2002, components only have a "name", which is what you use on the CLI and in scripts.
NOTE: Component names, even sub-vob components, must conform to the standard Unix naming convention: letter, numbers, dashes, periods, and underscores; even on Windows.
NOTE: While the component objects themselves can be renamed, directories that are component roots inside a multi-component VOB cannot be renamed, even if they've never been used.

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Share a component between PVOBs.
To bring a component from another PVOB into a project, go to the Properties sheet of the integration stream (in the Project Explorer) of that project. Under the Configuration tab, select Add. In the Component pull-down, choose "Select components from alternate PVOB". The component will be brought in as non-modifiable. An alternate PVOB's components can be added during project creation as well.
As of CC 2002.05.00 you can only share a component between PVOBs in a read-only mode.
As of CC 2003.06.00 you can share modifiable components between PVOBs. The PVOBs need to be connected via an "AdminVOB" hyperlink. You can designate one of your existing PVOBs as the administrative VOB, or you can create a new PVOB and point all the existing PVOBs to it. To point a VOB at another VOB, use an AdminVOB hyperlink between the VOB objects. If you're already familiar with AdminVOB hyperlinks, UCM doesn't care about the directionality of the hyperlink. That is, there is no "from" PVOB nor "to" PVOB. As long as they are linked you've satisfied UCM. Use the following command to connect the PVOBs.
  # ct mkhlink AdminVOB vob:\pvob1-tag vob:\pvob2-tag
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Create a component without a VOB (rootless).
As of CC 5.0/2002, you can designate a component that has no connection to a real VOB. Rootless components are used for composite baselines. Composite baselines are also known as project baselines. You can store the composite baselines for all projects in a single rootless component, but there's no reason why each project can't have its own.
In the Project Explorer, right click on either the name of the PVOB or the Components folder within the PVOB and select "Create Component without a VOB". See the section in the Managing Software Projects manual called "Creating a Component for Storing the Project Baseline" for more information.
As of CC 2003.06.00, a rootless component must be modifiable. A rootless component can only be non-modifiable if the component is to hold only non-modifiable members or no baseline is ever to be made in the component.

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Split a VOB-level component into separate components.
This is a non-standard procedure. This is not an easy task to accomplish. Basically, you'll need create new projects for any project currently using the component to be split.
1) In the old project(s) that use the component to be split, check in ALL code, deliver ALL activities to the integration stream and create a baseline. One may argue that some activities may not be ready for delivery yet. The answer is that this procedure should not be attempted unless the code is at a stable enough point to create a baseline on the integration stream that represents ALL code. Whether or not the code is completely tested or not isn't relevant. However, the code needs to be gathered up on a single stream for each project so that a single baseline can represent ALL code for that project.
2) Create the VOB(s) that will house the new components and make into components during the creation.
3) Create a new project that corresponds to each project that was using the component to be split. Don't base the project on existing project. Each new project's component list will contain old components that aren't going to be split and the new set of (currently empty) components. Be sure that the baseline you point to for each component for the new project is the one applied in step (1). If using CQ, don't integrate the new project with CQ until after the transfers are complete. NOTE: When adding the components to the new project's list, when in the "Add Baseline" dialog, when you've selected one of the new empty components, be sure to hit the Change button and select "All Streams" to see the list of baselines associated with the component. For a new empty component there will only be one baseline called "component_INITIAL".
4) Create an integration view for each of the new projects. At this point there's no need to go and join each project. You just need a view.

Perform the next set of steps on every stream that needs to have code transferred to a corresponding stream in the new correspoding project. To reduce the number streams that need to transfer code, have all streams checkin and deliver to a common stream, such as the project's integration stream. The bottom line is that there needs to be a corresponding stream in the new projects for every stream holding code to be transferred.

5) Create and set to an activity in the destination stream. NOTE: The easiest way to create and set an activity is to simply check out a directory, designate the new activity, and then uncheckout the directory :-).
6) Run clearfsimport in the source view and point the output of clearfsimport to the new stream in the new project. Obviously, you don't want to run clearfsimport at the top level of the old component or you'll pick up ALL the old files. The goal here was to split the old component. So, run clearfsimport on a subdirectory in the old component that corresponds to the new component. If distinct directory trees in the old component don't correspond to the new components and you intend to re-architect as part of the migration, this procedure won't work directly and you'll have run clearfsimport for each little part to be transferred.

At this point the new project contains the older components and the newly split components. By using clearfsimport you will only be picking up the LATEST version of a given branch/stream. The clearexport_ccase/clearimport pair picks up file history, but cannot import directly into a UCM stream, not does it transfer directory history anyway.

7) In the new project(s), create and recommend a baseline that represents the new configuration. NOTE: Be sure when recommending baselines that you choose the new baseline just created for the new components. The default will still have them pointing the component_INITIAL baselines.
8) Integrate the new projects with CQ if desired. Users can now join the project(s) and continue to work.

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Change a component's root directory.
Updated: 05/30/13

Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for changing the root folder of a component that is in a multi-component VOB, which implies:

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Determine a component's VOB.
Updated: 11/19/15

Note that logical components can be created without a VOB (rootless).
GUI: In the Project Explorer, right-click on a component and select Properties. Under the General there is an entry called "Root".
CLI: While you can easily visually see the root VOB with the following command, determining the VOB's tag programmatically is more difficult.
	ct describe -fmt "%[root_dir]p" component:component-name@pvob
The programmatic command can return any number of path formats, such as the following. So extracting the VOB tag is difficult. If the VOB isn't mounted, even if you're in a view context, you can't ask that folder for CC information. And you can't mount it without the tag. So, I haven't found an elegant, programmatic way to determine a VOB tag for a given component.

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Determine if a component is modifiable or read-only in a given project.
Updated: 12/16/15

Whether or not a component is modifiable in a project is not a property of the component, but rather of the project. So, you need to list the modifiable components and look for the one you're interested in.
	$return = `cleartool lsproject -fmt \"%[mod_comps]p\" project\@pvob 2>&1`;
	if ( grep(/component/,split(/ /,$return)) ) {
		print "The \"component\" component is modifiable in the \"project\" project.\n";
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Updated: 06/05/14
Version: 7.1.2

After completing the deliver merges, it's a good idea to test the delivered code in the integration view before completing the process. If the delivery is not complete and you need to "undo" the deliver, simply execute "ct deliver -cancel".

If in a CCMS environment and the integration stream is mastered remotely, the deliver will merely post the changes for integration. It's up to the remote site to actually do the merge. At the remote site, the integrator does a Tools->Find Posted Deliveries in the Project Explorer and completes the deliver there. Also, one might note that the development stream that posted the deliver had its mastership given to the site that masters the integration stream. This is so the integrator at the integration site can update the stream during the deliver_complete phase. However, this doesn't prevent the developer from creating new activities and working in that stream. Unfortunately, even if the syncronization packet has not gone out to the integration site yet, the developer cannot cancel a posted deliver. The remote integrator must do that if desired.

From the Project, Windows, or ClearCase Explorer, right-click on the development stream and select Deliver from Stream.
As of CC 5.0/2002, it's possible to deliver to any stream, development or integration, in any project (in the same PVOB). It's possible to deliver a specified baseline instead of simply LATEST. It's also possible to preview the element versions to be delivered prior to actually merging them.

From the CLI: Executing deliver without options assumes that you are in the development stream whose current activity-set is to be delivered.
  # ct deliver
If delivering to a non-default target, the following restrictions apply. If the full set of activities in the stream violates one of the policy settings, you will not be allowed to proceed with the selected activity deliver, even if the selected subset of activities would not violate the policies. If the target stream cannot see any element in any of the activities being delivered, the delivery of any of those activities will not be allowed. If an element is inside a non-modifiable component in the target project, the deliver will not be allowed unless the target stream AND project policies allow that sort of deliver, in which case the modifications to the non-modifiable component will simply be ignored.

As of CC 5.0/2002, it's possible to deliver to a stream other than the development stream's parent. This new type of deliver does not count as an "official" deliver. That is, even thought a set of activities is delivered to another development stream, those activities are still marked as undelivered to the default integration stream.

When delivering a baseline, note that the delivered changes may only be a partial activity for a couple reasons. 1) When a baseline is specified for deliver, only the component owning the baseline will be delivered. If an activity has entries in its change set spanning multiple components, only a portion of those changes will be delivered. 2) A user may have continued to use the activity beyond when the baseline was applied. Only changes up to the baseline will be delivered.

If delivering a composite baseline and the composite contains non-modifiable components, it depends on what type of deliver is being performed whether the changes from the non-modifiable components get delivered. If the deliver is to any stream within the same project, the non-modifiable component changes will not get delivered. If it's an interproject deliver, it depends on the policies of the target stream.

If the integration view to which you are delivering is a snapshot view, the view is automatically updated for that element. If more than one snapshot view is associated with an integration stream, only the one to which you are delivering gets updated.

The default is to deliver all activities that need delivering. One can specify a subset of those activities via the -activities option. However, the selected activities must be self-consistent. That is, they cannot depend on the changes associated with another activity that is being excluded from the selection set. For instance, if activityA modified version 3 and activityB modified version4, you would not be able to select activityB for delivery by itself. Base CC allows for selective merges, UCM does not. If the deliver operation detects a dependency problem, it halts and lists the required activities.

Managers can set the project policy that forces developers to checkin all work prior to deliver. If this policy is not set, the checkedout versions are not delivered. The element gets delivered, just not the actual checkedout version. However, if the checkedout version is the only one on that branch, the element is not delivered at all. So, unless there is an express need not to, it is a very good idea that the project manager disallow deliveries from streams with pending checkouts. However, doing so blocks the case where the checkedout version is not in the change set of an activity being delivered. So, if the policy is set to force checkins before deliver, you may force a developer to checkin a version that wasn't going to be delivered anyway. It's safer that way, but potentially an inconvenience.

NOTE: There appears to be a bug in deliver. The merge option -qall seemingly has no affect. Use of the -qall option should invoke the graphical merge tool to confirm every change no matter how trivial, but it doesn't. The merge occurs properly, just not manually as is expected in this case.

NOTE: You must not remove the integration view when a deliver operation is in progress. But, if the integration view is lost during a deliver operation, you can use the -reset -to options to reset a new integration view so you would be able to cancel the operation. You can also use this option with -resume and -complete. Before you can reset a new integration view, the view-related records of the old integration view must be removed. UCM checks to see if the old view has any checkouts and if it has none, unsets the integration activity set in the view. If the old view has checkouts, you must remove them with rmview -uuid before proceeding. Make sure you run rmview -uuid only on lost or corrupted views.

NOTE: As of CC 7.0, contrib files are no longer generated for a deliver merge, except for in CCRC, which continues to create them.

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Deliver start action calls mkbl.
Updated: 06/05/14
Version: 7.1.2

The deliver_start action can be triggered. However, be aware that it calls other unexpected actions, such as mkbl, even though it doesn't actually apply a baseline.

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Deliver a component configuration change.
Updated: 05/23/16

Component configuration changes are generally made in a project's integration stream, baselined, then rebased by the dev streams and follow-on projects. I haven't done this before, but it's apparently poosible to add a read-only component to a dev stream and when the stream is delivered, it gets picked up by the integration stream.
You can add a read-only component to a dev stream. However there doesn't seem to be a way to add a modifiable component to a dev stream. To make a component modifiable, it needs to be added to the integration stream and then checked as modifiable in the project's policies, then rebased in a dev stream.

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Deliver multiple dev streams simultaneously.
Updated: 05/23/16

Multiple dev streams can deliver to integration simultaneously, as long as they are using different integration views.
However, there are other considerations. For example, if a baseline is automatically applied by a trigger, the baseline operations can collide with each other. Also, during integration, a developer may leave their deliver incomplete while building or testing. If a second developer is delivering too, it may cause issues with the build and/or test.
To enforce serialized delivers, see

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List project folders.
The only folder you'll see in a new PVOB is RootFolder, the folder under which all project folders must reside.
From UNIX xclearcase, not possible.
From NT GUI, not possible.
From the CLI:
  # ct lsfolder
Some useful options:
-s.hort Limit the output to just the folder names. Expand the listing as one had done a "describe folder".
-fmt   format-string Format the output to taste. See the fmt_ccase reference page.
-tre.e [] List the folder and its contents.
-anc.estor [] List the folder and its parent tree.
-inv.ob   vob-tag Specify a PVOB other than the current one.
-in   folder ... List subfolders of folder(s).
-cvi.ew List the parent folder of the stream attached to the current view.
-vie.w   view-tag List the parent folder of the stream attached to the specified view.

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Create a project folder.
Updated: 11/18/15

Unlike other CC objects, folder names can have embedded spaces. In the Project Explorer, you can drag and drop projects and folders to rearrange the heirarchy.
From UNIX xclearcase, Project -> Project Explorer... -> highlight the parent folder -> File -> New... -> Folder.
From the Project Explorer, File -> New -> Folder.
Project folders must be created in PVOBs under an existing folder specified by the -in option. It isn't mandatory that the folder-name be given, as CC will assign one, such as "folder000616.155919". However, for clarity, folders should be named close to the project information they will contain. You cannot name a projec folder and a project the same. Also, the title isn't mandatory, but should be given as a descriptive name that will appear in graphical interfaces.
	ct mkfolder -in parent-folder -title "title" folder-name
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to create a tree of folders in one command. You have to build the tree subfolders top down one at a time.

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Remove a folder.
Cannot remove a folder if it contains any projects, other folders or is the RootFolder.
  # ct rmfolder folder-name
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Modify a folder's parameters.
Must be owner or above of the folder.
From the Project Explorer, highlight the folder and go to File -> Properties...
From the CLI:
Change the title.
  # ct chfolder -title "New title." folder-name
Change the folder's location in the tree.
The new parent folder must belong to the same PVOB.
  # ct chfolder -to new-parent folder-name
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Rename a folder.
Must be folder owner or higher.
  # ct rename folder:oldname newname
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Set up UCM from scratch.
These steps assume you have a functioning FUll CC (not CCLT) install and are familiar with its operation.
1) If not already, populate a VOB (perhaps via clearimport, clearfsimport, relocate or other commands). Ensure a label is applied to all versions of files and directories in the component VOB that will be imported as the starting baseline. As of CC 4.1, labels to be used for import into UCM cannot be globally defined. To change its status, simply change the MetaData type definition in the admin VOB to be local and the type definitions in the children will become local as well.
2) Create a brand new VOB as a project VOB (PVOB).
3) Make a component out of an existing VOB (that has elements in it or not). In the Project Explorer, highlight the new PVOB and run Tools->Import VOB.
4) Import the initial label type into the PVOB. In the Project Explorer, highlight the PVOB, run Tools -> Import Label, Add the component VOB and select a label from the drop down list.
5) Create a folder to contain the new project, its streams, and activities.
6) Create a project.
7) Add the component VOB to the project's modifiable component list. Once a component has been added to a project's modifiable list, it cannot be changed to read-only. From the CLI modify the project's parameters. If the project was created from the Project Explorer GUI, it would have already prompted you for the modifiable components. From the CLI inside the PVOB:
  # ct lscomp -s
  # ct lsproj -s
  # ct chproject -amodcomp component project
8) Create an integration stream and associated view. If the Project Explorer GUI was used to create the project, the integration stream was created for you and automatically named "Integration". If the project was created via the CLI mkproject, use mkstream to create the integration stream. In either case, once the integration stream is created, in the Project Explorer, right-click on the integration stream and select Create View. Accept all the defaults.
9) In the Project Explorer, import a label onto the integration stream.
10) Create a development stream and associated view by joining a project. In the Project Explorer, Tools->Join Project. The development view will be automatically initialized with the baseline.
11) Create an activity in which to work. Or, set to the development view and let it prompt for an activity upon checkout.
You are now using UCM based on the versions selected by the label. Initially, the integration and development branches do not exist on any elements. It's only when the developer checks out an element that those branches get automatically created and used.

While the conversion can be done from GUIs, if necessary, a base CC VOB can be converted to UCM using only the CLI. The following lines are written for UNIX, but the procedure is identical for NT. It assumes you've already LABELed the set of versions in the base CC VOB that you want to import into UCM. The imported baseline LABEL must be ordinary, not globally defined.
  # ct setview baseCC-view-tag
  # ct mkvob -ucmproject -tag /vobs/pvob -public /vobstore/pvob.vbs
  # ct mount /vobs/pvob
  # cd /vobs/pvob
  # ct mkcomp -root /vobs/baseCC component-name
  # ct mkfolder -in RootFolder projects
  # ct mkproject -in projects -modcomp component-name project-name
  # ct mkbl -import LABEL@/vobs/baseCC
  # ct mkstream -in project-name -integration -baseline LABEL int-stream-name
  # ct mkview -tag int-view-tag -stream int-stream-name /viewstore/int-view-tag.vws
  # ct mkstream -in project-name -baseline LABEL dev-stream-name
  # ct mkview -tag dev-view-tag -stream dev-stream-name /viewstore/dev-view-tag.vws
Project properties can be set for various operations.

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Change protections on UCM objects.
Protections on UCM objects can be changed in the same way protections can be changed on base CC elements and objects, namely:
  # ct protect option+arg object-selector

ex: ct protect -chown vobadm baseline:REL3.119
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Create a project VOB (PVOB).
Project VOBs are created using base CC commands, such as mkvob. VOBs created using CC 4.0 are automatically at feature level 2. VOBs created before upgrading to CC 4.0 need to have their feature level upgraded via chflevel before being used as a PVOB. As of CC 4.0, having one PVOB be the AdminVOB for another PVOB is not supported by Rational, but shouldn't cause any problems. If after you've created your new PVOB and don't see it in the Project Expolorer, make sure that View -> Show All Project VOBs is selected.
From UNIX xclearcase, not possible.
From clearvobadmin (same as "lsvob -graphical"), not possible. However, in Tutorial mode, when it prompts if you want to create a "process" VOB, it is referring to ClearGuide, not UCM.
From NT CC Home Base, the very first page asks if you want to store "UCM project data"; not to be confused with another prompt on the same page that talks about UCM components. Select the "UCM component" checkbox if you intend to store ordinary CC versioned data there as well.
From the CLI:
  # ct mkvob -ucmproject -tag vob-tag vob-storage-area
NOTE: While it's possible to share base CC, UCM components, and project information in a PVOB, it's not possible to convert an existing base CC VOB into a PVOB. You can only convert a base CC VOB into a component.
NOTE: If in an interop environment, so that the UNIX components can see the PVOB, make sure the PVOB lives on the UNIX side.

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Create a project.
Create a repository for project information/components inside a UCM project folder. The project-name is not mandatory, as CC will assign one to you if not supplied, such as project000616.161707. The project cannot use the name of an existing project or project folder. However, for clarity, projects should be given mnemonic names. When creating a project from the Project Explorer, it will automatically create an integration stream for you called "Integration", which can be renamed after. If using mkproject, you must follow it up with mkstream to create the initial integration stream.
From the Project Explorer, File -> New -> Project...
From the CLI:
The -title option is not mandatory, but this useful description will appear in graphical interfaces. Project parameters, such as modifiable components and policies, can be set after the fact using the chproject command.
  # ct mkproject -in folder -title "Descriptive title." project-name
Other options:
-mod.comp   component(s) Specify the component(s) that can be modified in this project. See not below.
-crm.enable   CQ-database Specify a UCM-enabled CQ user database with which to link.
-pol.icy | -npo.licy   policy-keyword[,...] New in CC 5.0/2002, set or unset the specified policy(s). See the mkproject man page for a complete list.
-spo.licy   policy-keyword[,...] New in CC 5.0/2002, allow the specified policy(s) to be enabled/disabled in individual streams.
-model   { SIMPLE | DEFAULT } New in CC 2003.06.00. Create single-stream (SIMPLE) or multi-stream project.

NOTE: Once a component has been added to a project's modifiable component list, it cannot be changed to read-only.

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Modify project parameters.
The following are modifiable project parameters. Any developer can modify project parameters with the exception of rename and delete.
From the Windows GUI, CC Home Base -> Projects -> Project Explorer -> right-click on a project and select Properties.
From Unix xclearcase, Project -> Project Explorer... -> select the project -> File -> Properties...
From the CLI:
Change a project's title. (obsolete as of CC 5.0/2002)
  # ct chproject -title "new-title" project-name
Add modifiable components to the project.
The component(s) are a comma-separated list.
  # ct chproject -amodcomp component(s) project-name
Remove modifiable component(s) from the project.
New in CC 5.0/2002. The component(s) are a comma-separated list.
  # ct chproject -dmodcomp component(s) project-name
Move the project to a new folder.
The old and new folders must be in the same PVOB.
  # ct chproject -to new-folder project-name
Change the required baseline promotion level.
  # ct chproject -rebase_level promotion-level project-name
Activate or deactivate project policies.
See the mkproject man page for a complete list of project policies. The spolicy option, new in CC 5.0/2002, allows policies to be enabled or disabled by individual streams. In general, policy changes only affect future work. They are not dynamic.
  # ct chproject { -policy | -npolicy | -spolicy } policy-keyword project-name[,...]
Activate or deactivate the link to CQ.
A project can be CQ enabled via the project's properties sheet in Project Explorer or from the CLI. If a project is already crm enabled, running chproject with the -crmenable option has the affect of checking to ensure that all activities are linked, which is the same as the project Properties GUI button called "Ensure All Activities Are Linked". The converse is true about the -ncrmenable option. In a MultiSite environment, you must have mastership of the CQ tickets and CC activities.
NOTE: Up to CQ 2002, only CQ user databases created as type Production can be CC UCM integrated. That is, you cannot use a Test CQ user database for that integration. If you want to test schema changes using the CC/CQ UCM integration, you must use a Production database. However, this presents a problem in the Designer. There is no way to "test" (Database->Set Test Database) schema changes using a Production database. So, to test schema changes you must checkin the schema after each round of changes and use the Database->Upgrade Database function to push the new schema to the CC/CQ UCM integrated user database; tedious and inconvenient at best. An RFE has been forwarded to Rational.
  # ct chproject -crmenable CQ-user-database project-name
  # ct chproject -ncrmenable project-name
Set a project's baseline template.
Sets or replaces the baseline template definition for a project. Unfortunately, as of 7.1.2, it's not possible to set the template using a GUI.
Baseline identifiers are made up of two parts: a user-specifiable root name and an automatically applied, unique numeric extension. Note that the unique numeric extension is not applied in the first component to rcv the new baseline. In other words, if there are several components in a project, the first component will get the generated baseline name without a numeric extension, the rest will. The template can contain any of the following comma separate tokens. The commas are replaced by underscores when a baseline is created.
Token Note
basename Arbitrary text string supplied by the user at baseline creation time.
project Automatically filled in by UCM.
stream Automatically filled in by UCM.
component Automatically filled in by UCM.
date Automatically assigns format of MMDDYY.
time Automatically assigns format of HHMMSS, where HH is in 24hr format.
user Automatically fills in login name of user.
host Automatically fills in hostname of current machine.
  # ct chproject -blname_template component,date,time,basename project@PVOB
Note that "RELEASE1.1" is the user supplied basename.  The rest is filled in automatically.
  # ct mkbl RELEASE1.1
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Rename a project.
Must be project owner or higher to rename a project.
From the Project Explorer, select the project, go to File -> Properties... and simply rename it.
From the CLI:
  # ct rename project:oldname newname
As of CC 5.0/2002, integration streams are named the same as the projects. You should probably consider renaming the project's integration stream/branch as well.

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Remove a project.
Must be project owner or higher to delete a project. Cannot delete a project that contains a stream. There is no way to delete a project from a GUI.
From the CLI:
  # ct rmproject project-name
See also "Retire a project".

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List projects.
The listing of projects is limited to one PVOB.
In the Project Explorer, projects can be in any folder heirarchy. That is, they can be shown at the top of the PVOB or somewhere in a subdirectory.
From the CLI:
  # ct lsproject
-s.hort Limit the listing to just project names. Display detailed information similar to "describe -long".
-fmt   format-string See the fmt_ccase man page for formatting details.
-tre.e   [ depth ] Show a heirarchy of stream and activities. Optionally limit it to depth levels.
-anc.estor   [ depth ] Display the projects and their parent folders. Optionally limit it to depth levels.
-inv.ob   vobtag If not sitting in a VOB, specify the vobtag.
-in   folder Limit the project listing to a single folder.
-vie.w   viewtag Display information about the project containing the viewtag's stream.
-cvi.ew Display information about the project containing the stream for the current view.
-obsolete Include obsoleted projects in the listing (new in 4.2).

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Join a project.
Updated: 07/19/13
Version: 7.1.2
In xclearcase, Project -> Join Project.
On Windows, via the Start menu, start the Project Explorer. Inside, right-click on the desired project and Join Project.
NOTE: As of CC 4.2, if UCM is CCMS and the project's integration stream is not mastered locally, the Join Project wizard will still attempt to create an integration view for you. If it appears the development stream was created successfully, ignore the error message about the integration stream.
From the CLI:
  # clearviewtool
  # clearjoinproj

Project Explorer:
  # clearprojexp
Unfortunately, there is no way to "join a project" programmatically. To accomplish the same thing, you have to execute the individual steps. Note that the mkstream automatically creates a corresponding branch type of the same name and guards it. Checkouts will be automatically branch from the baseline that was currently recommended when the mkstream was run. You can only create one integration stream per project.
	ct mkstream -in project-selector stream-name
	ct mkview -tag dynamic-view-tag -stream stream-name-selector view-storage-UNC-path
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Set a default view type.
In the Project Explorer, in a project's Properties sheet, under the Policy tab. While it will be the default when developers join a project, they can still choose the other type at that time. That is, there is no way to force the choice.

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Interproject rebase.
In UCM, projects are often based on (branched from) a previous project's baseline. If the "projects" are simply different releases of the same software (recommended), when the previous release is patched, those changes need to be merged into the next release. You can only rebase between projects if the project rcving the changes is based on a previous baseline of the project from which the changes are coming.
In CC 5.0/2002+, interproject rebases can be conducted from the Project Explorer. As of CC 5.0/2002, a project ONLY has a "Name". "Titles" are no longer used.
In CC 4.2-, there is no way to perform an interproject rebase from the GUI. Unfortunately, UCM "Titles" cannot be used when referring to UCM objects on the CLI. In the Project Explorer, open the properties sheet of the source integration stream, go to the Baselines tab and select the component, select the source baseline and go to its Properties sheet. You will need the "ID Name" for the rebase command. If you have many components (each has a different baseline), this could be scripted to loop through them all at once.
  # ct setview destination-integration-view
  # cd component-vob
  # ct rebase -baseline source-baseline-ID-name -gmerge
  # ct rebase -resume -complete
WARNING: Each project that you base on a previous project branches from the previous project's integration branch. Over time, the version extended path to a checkout can become quite long, as in "/main/Integration1/Integration2/Integration3/.../IntegrationN/LATEST. Windows can only handle those strings up to 255 characters. So, an active team can reach that limit in a reasonable amount of time. Simply shortening the names of the Integration branches only delays the inevitable.
To avoid the cascading integration branches and still use the rebase command, utilize a system (integration) project. Make the first project that you create the one that has its integration branch directly off of main. Do not use this one for development. Immediately start a new project based off of that one that will be the first "development" project. Each development project bases their foundation on the "system project"'s latest recommended baseline. Rebases out to the development project use the above rebase command. Unfortunately, as of CC 4.2 interproject delivers are not supported. However, base CC can be used to merge the development project back to the system project. This is the UNIX CLI solution, but this idea can partially be completed in the UNIX GUI and completely using the Windows GUI.
  # ct setview destination-integration-view
  # cd component-vob
  # ct mkact activity-name
  # ct findmerge . -nc -fver (BASELINE or /main/source-integration-branch/LATEST) -print
Review the output log for correctness.
  # ct findmerge . -nc -fver (BASELINE or /main/source-integration-branch/LATEST) -merge
  # ct ci -nc `ct lsco -r -s -cview`
  # ct setact -none
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Make a component non-/modifiable.
The modifiable property of a project's component is set when the project is created and can be viewed via the project's policies dialog. You can change a non-modifiable component to be modifiable, but once a component is designated as modifiable, it cannot be changed back, unless the component has never been modified in that project.
If you change a component to be modifiable, you need to ensure the streams and views pick up on the change.
For each stream, including the integration stream:
  # ct chstream -generate stream-name
For each view, including integration views:
  # ct setcs -tag viewtag
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Add a component to a project.
Updated: 11/19/15
Version: 7.1.2

The following steps are to add an existing component to an existing project. To create a component out of an existing VOB, see Create a VOB-level or sub-VOB component.
1) In the Project Explorer, open the properties sheet of the project's integration stream.
2) Under the Configuration tab, click Add.
3) In the Component pull-down list, select the component to be added.
4) Select the component's baseline on which you want to base the project in that component and click OK. Deselect "Allow project to modify the component" if you want to add the component as non-modifiable.
5) Click OK to close the stream's properties. The dialog will automatically launch a rebase to that new baseline for the project's integration stream. Development views will have their config_specs automatically updated to see the new component when they next rebase.
NOTE: Even though a project may be based upon a previous project, adding a component to that previous project does not automatically add the new component to the follow-on project.

Unfortunately, from the CLI, you can only add modifiable components. If you add all components with the intention of entering the GUI and marking a few components as read-only, do not do any baselines, etc... in the interim, otherwise you won't be able to make the modifiable component into a read-only component. You can add a comma-separated list of components.
	ct chproject -amodcomp component-selector(s) project-selector
I don't know of a way to programmatically add read-only components to a project.

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Rename a project's Integration stream/branch.
If an integration stream needs to be renamed, perhaps because the project was renamed as well, there are several steps to complete the process properly. These steps are written as if you are sitting in the PVOB.
Rename the branch type:
  # ct lsproj
  # ct lsstream -in project-name
  # ct describe stream:stream-name
The stream is "Guarding" the branch type.
  # ct rename brtype:old-name new-name

Tell the stream about the branch name change:
  # ct chstream -generate stream-name

Rename the stream itself:
  # ct rename stream:old-stream-name new-stream-name
This step isn't needed for CC 5.0+.
  # ct chstream -title "new-title" new-stream-name

Update any existing views:
  # ct setcs -stream -tag integration-view-tag

  # ct rename brtype:Integration_2840 ProjA_Integration
  # ct chstream -generate Integration_2840
  # ct rename stream:Integration_2840 ProjA_Integration
  # ct setcs -stream -tag ejo_2840_integration

There isn't a way to rename a view, so the integration view will have a misleading name unless you remove it and create a new one.
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Interproject deliver.
In the Project Explorer, simply right-click on the integration stream of the "source" project and select Deliver Baselinses -> To Default. The "To Default" will only work if the project owning that integration stream is a subproject of the "target" project.
From the CLI:
  # ct deliver -stream source-integration-stream-selector -to target-viewtag -baselines source-baseline-selector
If the deliver between projects is done regularly, use the -force and -complete options to speed the process, with the knowledge that you are completing the deliver without testing the merged/delivered elements.

Prior to CC 5.0/2002, there was no "deliver" between projects or between arbitrary streams. The following procedure can be used as a workaround and is written for the case where one project needs to "deliver" to another project in the same PVOB.
1) Apply a baseline to the integration stream of the "from" project. It doesn't need to be a full baseline.
2) Create a stream, usually by joining a project. A never-before-used stream is essential to get this to work properly.
3) Rebase the unused stream against the recommended baseline in the integration stream. The dev stream's configuration is now pointing to and using that baseline and any others. The configuration of the view associated with that dev stream will be used as the "from" portion of a base CC merge.
4) Set an activity in the "to" stream. The "to" stream can be either the integration stream or a development stream in the "to" project. The easiest way to set an activity from a GUI is to simply checkout a directory (any directory), which forces the creation of an activity, and then uncheckout the directory. This is an especially useful way to set an activity if CQ is integrated. The activity can also be set from the CLI using the mkact or setact command. The idea here is that an activity already needs to be setworked in the destination stream for the base CC merge to work.
5) Conduct a base CC merge from the stream/view rebased in step (3) to the stream/view that contains the activity created in step (4).

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Set project policies.
The policies are configurable whether or not you integrate with CQ. See the "Guide to Managing Projects" document that comes with the release for a full description of all the policies.

As of 7.1.2, it isn't possible to set project policies from CCRC.

Recommended Baselines
Recommended baselines are the stable branch points designated by the team lead. Developers rebase/branch from these points. When joining a project their streams are initialized from there. The baseline promotion level set to govern which baselines becomes recommended. If a component does not contain a baseline at or above the recommended promotion level for rebasing, the component's initial/foundation baseline is used. See setting promotion levels.

Modifiable Components
When a component is initially added to the PVOB, it is available as read-only to all projects in the PVOB. One must add a component to a project's modifiable component list. See setting project parameters.

Default View Types
When developers joins a project they use the Join Project Wizard. There is no way to force which type of view is used. The recommended setup is to allow snapshot or dynamic views for development streams and dynamic only for integration streams. During project creation, you can set recommend view types. When a user joins, they will see those recommended view types, but don't have to accept them. Once a user has made a choice of view type, those choices will override the projects recommended ones, if the user rejoins the project, say for the purpose of creating a new stream.

In the Project Explorer, right-click on the project. In CC 4.2- the policies are tab in the project's properties sheet. In CC 5.0/2002+ it is a separate menu item. As of CC 5.0/2002, this policy list can be set on a stream-by-stream basis as well.

See the mkproject man page for a listing of policy keywords. From the CLI:
Set a policy:
  # ct chproject -policy policy-keyword[,...] project
Unset a policy:
  # ct chproject -npolicy policy-keyword[,...] project
Allow the policy to be enabled or disabled on a stream-by-stream basis:
  # ct chproject -spolicy policy-keyword[,...] project
Policies can be set on a per-stream basis. For any given policy in the Project Explorer there are three options: Disabled, Enabled, and Per Stream. If the Per Stream option is selected, the policies on the stream itself dictate behaviour.
WARNING! Playing with the Per Stream option of a policy can have unexpected results. As an example, if the project has a particular policy set to Per Stream, and a particular stream has Enabled that policy, the policy will be enabled for any user of that stream, as expected. If the project then shifts the policy to Disable, that policy will be disabled for all users of that stream. So far as expected. However, if the project then subsequently changes the policy back to Per Stream, even though the stream was changed to Disable by the previous project setting, the stream's policy will automatically revert back to the setting that was present before the project disabled it. That is, in this example, the policy will automatically revert back to Enable for that stream. To me that's unexpected behaviour.

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Lock a project.
Project objects can be locked. However, the lock on a project object does not prevent users from joining the project. It stops anyone from modifying the project's properties. As of CC 5.0(2002), there is no way to trigger joining a project. At most, a trigger can put in place that prevents certain users from modifying the project's integration branch.
In the Project Explorer, right-click on the project, enter its Properties sheet, and enter the Lock tab.
From the CLI: prior to CC 5.0(2002), a project had a "name" and a "title". For CC 5.0(2002)+, there is only a name.
  # ct lock project:project-name@\pvobtag

Lock a project on a per-user basis.
There is no way to prevent read access to a specific project. If a user has access to the component VOB, they will have read access to the data in all projects. The following methods that can be employed to prevent write access to a given project.
a) Create a second project for the other developer(s). By default, those developers will not be able to deliver to the project you want to protect.
b) Lock the project's integration stream and exclude certain users from the lock. Other users will still be able to join the project, but won't be able to deliver.
c) Create a preop checkout trigger. Have the trigger query a text file that contains a list of those allowed to modify projects. For example, the text file might have in it the project name, colon, username. Anyone not explicitly listed will be prevented from modifying the project.
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Retire a project.
Retiring a project properly involves more than just locking a project. If you simply lock the project, users won't be able to join the project, but users that have already joined can still work in the project. Locking the project merely locks the project object from being modified, which isn't modified during checkouts in a project. The following steps are not written in the Rational manuals.
1) Ensure all checkouts and delivers are resolved in all streams/views associated with the project. This isn't absolutely necessary, but may cause confusion later on. Also, if you remove the views in step (4), CC does an uncheckout, which may result in lost data.
2) Go to the Type Explorer of the PVOB for the project. Lock and obsolete all branch types (integration and development) that were associated with the project.
3) Go to the Project Explorer. Lock and obsolete all streams associated with the project. Lock the development streams before locking the integration stream. Lock and obsolete the project.
4) Remove any views associated with the streams of the project. You may need to have the users delete their own views. But, a more gentle way is to run rmtag and unregister on each view without deleting its storage area.

See also "Remove a project".

Note that the steps don't include locking the activities associted with the project. Activities can only be used in their respective streams, which are locked by step (3). Also, note that baselines aren't locked either. UCM already controls the modification of baselines. In addition, UCM connects all baselines to previous ones via hyperlinks, even in different projects. So, locking the older baselines may cause problems.

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Remove a component from a project.
The component must be a read-only component, or a modifiable component that has never been modified in this project.
In the Project Explorer, in the Properties sheet of the project's integration stream, go to the Configuration tab, highlight the component to be removed and select remove. When you click OK, the tool immediately prompts you to rebase the integration stream. Note that dev streams in the project won't realize the component has been removed until they next rebase.

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Determine a project's integration stream name.
In the Project Explorer, expand the project the left-hand pane. The integration steam will have a blue pyramid next to it. All dev streams have yellow pyramids next to them.
From the CLI:
  # ct describe -fmt '%[istream]p\n' project:project-name
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List a project's modifiable components.
In the Project Explorer, right-click on the project and select Policies. Under the the Components tab, modifiable components will have a checked box next to them.
From the CLI:
  # ct describe -fmt '%[mod_comps]p\n' project:project-name
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Create a single-stream project.
Updated: 12/14/11
New in CC 2003.06.00.
Projects can be created such that there is only the integration stream. Development streams are not allowed at all. When creating a project with the GUI, simply choose "Single stream development". If creating the project from the CLI, use the "-model SIMPLE" option.
Note that you can create the affect of a single-stream project even when a project is created the default way. To do this, instead of having users "join" the project, simply have them go to the Project Explorer, find the integration stream for the project, and "Create View" for that stream. If a user doesn't actually "join" the project, the unneeded development streams and views won't get created. By having the developer simply create view for the existing integration stream in a normal project, you still have the option to create sub-streams at any time. So, if contemplating a single-stream project, I recommend creating a normal, default project and have users simply create views for the integration stream instead of joining the project. If you create a project as single-stream, you can't convert to multi-stream later on. You have to create a new project.

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Prevent users from joining a UCM project.
Updated: 08/09/13
Locking and obsoleting the project makes it so that it doesn't show up when using the Join Project utility. However, a determined user could still join the project from the CLI. The way to stop it is to create a "preop mkstream" trigger that checks to see if the UCM project is locked and/or locked to specific users.
If the intention is to ensure other users don't make modifications in that project, event if the project and mkstream command are locked down, there's nothing preventing a user from just creating a view for an existing stream. Either lock the branches as well, or create a preop checkout trigger to check if the project is locked.

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List all of a project's components.
Updated: 11/19/15
Version: 7.1.2
GUI: In the Project Explorer, right-click on the project and select Policies. All components are listed under the Components tab. Components that are modifiable in the current project will have the boxes checked.
CLI: You can only programatically retrieve the modifiable components from the project's properties. However, you can get the list from the project's integration stream. Note that the "%[components]p" property wasn't there prior to ver 7.0.
	ct describe -fmt "%[components]p\n" stream:int-stream@pvob
The component names will be returned in space-separated list. However, in UCM it is possible to have a mixture of components from the local PVOB and possibly a higher master PVOB. For that reason, you should use -fmt "%[components]Xp\n", which returns them in the format: component:component-name@pvob

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Determine a project's current baseline naming template.
Updated: 11/23/15
GUI: Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to view or modify the baseline naming template from a GUI.
CLI: Unfortunately, there is no -fmt parameter that isolates the current baseline naming template. In the describe output, look for the string "baseline naming template:".
	ct describe -l project:proj@pvob
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Determine what other project(s) a given project is based on, if any.
Updated: 11/23/15
To ask that question is the same is asking, what is the foundation baseline of the project's integration stream and in what other project's stream was that baseline applied, which may lead to multiple other projects.
I don't know if it's possible to determine a stream's foundation baseline from a GUI.
A stream can have multiple foundation baselines, one for each component in the project. Or, a foundation baseline can be a composite baseline that spans multiple other baselines. The "X" is included because objects may be owned by a different PVOB.
	# The baselines are returned in a space-separated list.
	ct describe -fmt "%[found_bls]Xp" stream:stream@pvob
	# Look for "UseBaseline" hyperlinks.
	ct describe -l stream:stream@pvob

For each baseline:
	ct describe -fmt "%[bl_stream]Xp" baseline
	ct describe -fmt "%[project]Xp" stream
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Create/modify a project/stream template.
Updated: 12/30/15
Project/stream templates allow you standardize policies for all future created projects/streams in a given PVOB. There is only one project/stream template per PVOB. IBM has good synopsis on templates:
Note that the default setting for all policies is "disabled". When creating a template, you only have to specify the policies to be enabled.
Also note that when creating a project in Project Explorer, the template's policies don't get set until the project actually gets created. That is, while creating the project in the GUI, you won't see the template's policy settings yet.

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Display the current project/stream template.
Updated: 12/03/15
Unfortunately, there is no "-fmt" parameter to isolate the policies at the project/stream level.
Note in the lsstream that a stream's "policies" are those explicitly set in the stream's properties and "policies (effective)" are inherited from the project. The stream's explicitly set policies do not matter unless the corresponding project policy is set to "per-stream".

	# PVOB level
	ct lsproject -l -template -invob pvob
	ct lsstream -l -template -invob pvob

	# Project/stream level
	ct lsproject -l project@pvob
	ct lsstream -l stream@pvob
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Create a project that has hundreds of components.
Updated: 12/14/15
If you create a project using the GUI that is not based on the configuration of an existing project, you get prompted for the components that will be part of the project. Unfortunately, if there are hundreds of components, adding them is tedious and error prone.

The following steps will create such a project. The following assumes the components already exist.
1) Create the project using the "mkproject" CLI command. Creating a project using mkproj will not create the integration stream, but that's what we want.
2) Add the components to the project in a loop using "chproject -amodcomp". You can add a comma-separated list of components, but may run into a command line length limit, so may have to break the command up into several commands that process a chunk of components each time.
3) Determine the baselines upon which the integration stream is to be based. Use "lscomp -tree" in a program loop.
4) Create the integration stream with "mkstream -integration -bas baselines". The list of baselines is comma-separated. However, in Windows 8, the command line can only handle a maximum of 8191 characters. If your command exceeds that length, you'll be forced to add the remaining components manually from the GUI.

NOTE: If you can, run the mkproject and mkstream commands from Unix, which doesn't suffer from the command length problem.

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Move an existing project to a different folder.
Updated: 05/03/16
The creation and configuration of a UCM project can take a bit of work, especially if there are numerous components and baselines to deal with. If the project was created in the incorrect PVOB folder, it can be moved to the correct one.
	ct chproject -to new_folder@pvob project@pvob
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Create a stream.
When creating a project from the Project Explorer, it will automatically create an integration stream for you called "integration", which can be renamed after. If mkproject was used, one MUST use mkstream to create the integration stream. The default of this command is to create a development stream.
From the Project Explorer, highlight the project and go to File -> New... -> Stream.
From the CLI, the stream name is not mandatory, but should be given so that CC doesn't automatically assign a name like stream000618.153157.
  # ct mkstream -title Descriptive title. -in project stream-name
Some useful options:
-int.egration Make this the project's integration stream. Only one per project.
-bas.eline   baseline[,...] Initialize the stream from the specified baseline(s).
-tar.get   stream-selector New in CC 5.0/2002, set the default stream for delivers.
-pol.icy | -npo.licy   policy-keyword[,...] New in CC 5.0/2002, set or unset the specified policy(s). See the mkproject man page for a complete list.
-in   stream-selector New in CC 5.0/2002, specify the stream's parent stream.
-reado.nly New in CC 2003.06.00. Create a read-only development stream. See note below.

NOTE: To provide some users with read-only access to a set of baselines, you can create a special type of development stream with the option –readonly. You cannot deliver to or from this stream, but you can rebase it. Read-only streams are not restricted by the normal rebase rules. In the view attached to a read-only stream, you can create DOs and other view-private files, but you cannot make any changes to components. To create a read-only stream, your UCM VOBs and PVOBs must be at feature level 3 or greater.

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List streams.
From the Project Explorer, not possible to list all available streams.
From the CLI:
  # ct lsstream
Some useful options:
-s.hort List only the stream names. Include more information, such as owner, project and baselines in listing.
-fmt   format-string Format the output to taste. See the fmt_ccase page.
-tre.e   [ integer ] Display the heirarchy of streams and activities.
-anc.estor   [ integer ] Include the parent folder and project heirarchy.
-inv.ob   vob-tag Specify a VOB other than the current one.
-in   project Limit the listing to the specified project.
-vie.w   view-tag Display information for the stream connected to the specified view.
-cvi.ew Display information for the stream connected to the current view.
-obsolete New in CC 4.2. Include obsoleted streams in the listing.
-in   { project | stream } New in CC 2003.06.00. List all streams of the designated project or all child streams of the designated stream.

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Remove a stream.
The stream cannot contain any activities. There can be no baselines other than the initial set associated with it. There can be no views attached to it. A project's integration stream cannot be removed if there are still other streams in the project. I.E. the integration stream must be the last to go.
  # ct rmstream -f stream-name
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Import a label onto an integration stream.
In the Project Explorer, go to the Properties sheet for the project's integration stream. In the Configuration tab, select Add, select a component and then select the label to import. It will automatically start the rebase operation. Follow the prompts to rebase the integration stream. When prompted, "Complete" the process. It will automatically update the integration view's config_spec to select the versions based on the label. As of CC 4.1, labels to be used for import into UCM cannot be globally defined. To change its status, simply change the MetaData type definition in the admin VOB to be local and the type definitions in the children will become local as well.
From the CLI, unknown if it's possible.

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Set up development stream hierarchies.
New in CC 5.0/2002, it's possible to set up an activity specific stream. When developers that need to all work on the same activity join a project, they have the option to branch their streams from a baseline on the activity specific stream. Each developer will still work in and deliver their own activities, but those are then "gathered" together on the pseudo integration stream and tested as a unit prior to delivery to the real integration stream.
The dev stream being used as the "integration" stream is merely one that you designate for that purpose. There is no special setup to make a dev stream act like an integration stream. When developers join a project with the intent of using that stream as their integration area, they simply need to specify that stream when the Join Project wizard asks them for the name of the integration stream.
If setting this up, make sure there is a recommended baseline on the dev integration stream before the developers join and try to use it.

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Set stream policies.
As of CC 5.0/2002, a stream can have policies independent of the project-wide policy set.
In the Project Explorer, right-click on the stream and select Policies.
From the CLI:
  # ct chstream -nc -policy keyword(s) stream-selector
The stream-selector takes the form of stream:stream-name@PVOBtag. See the mkstream man page for policy keywords.
Other options:
-tar.get   stream-selector Set the target an integration stream will deliver to in another project.
-nta.rget Clear the -target for the specified stream.
-gen.erate Update the stream's config-spec after renaming a baseline and/or branch in use.
( -pol.icy | -npo.licy )   keyword(s) Enable or disable the specified policy. Use a comma-separate list if more than one is specified.
-rec.ommended   baseline(s) Set (reset) the recommanded baseline for the steam to the specified baseline(s).
-rec.ommended   -def.ault Set (reset) the recommended baseline to the latest on the stream at or above the recommended promotion level.
-nre.commended Clear the list of previously set recommended baseline(s).
-cvi.ew New in CC 2003.06.00. Change the parametes for the stream associated with the current view.

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Set the default deliver stream.
In CC 5.0/2002 it's possible to deliver to any stream in any project in the same PVOB. Only one stream can designated as the default stream to which the substream will deliver without specifying. The default can be chosen during the streams creation from the Join Project dialog. After the stream is created, its default stream can only be changed from the CLI and only if it's an integration stream. That is, while development streams can deliver to any other stream, the default is hard-wired at time of creation. Integration streams can have any stream as their default deliver stream.
  # ct chstream -target deliver-to-stream-name integration-stream-name
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View a stream's currently set activity.
In the CC Explorer, whatever view is currently selected has a folder immediately under its name called My Activities. This is a list of activities available to the stream associated with that view. The currently set activity will have checked box next to it.
From the CLI (from within the view):
  # ct lsact -cact
Of course, you could always start the checkout of an element. The currently set activity, if any, will already be set in the Activity window. Then simply Cancel the checkout.

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Deliver to a read-only component.
Under normal conditions the read-only component will not have been modified at all in the stream. However, in CC 5.0/2002+, a modifiable component can be changed to read-only. If a stream containing changes in that component has not yet delivered those changes, there are several choices to get out of the situation.
1) If the change sets of various undelivered activities in the source stream do not have dependencies (two activities working on the same element), then you can simply choose not to deliver the activity that has changes in the read-only component. If that activity has other changes in other modifiable components that do still need to be delivered, move those element versions to an alternate activity and still do not deliver the offending activity.
2) If the changes were actually suppose to go into the now read-only component, have the CC Admin change the component's status back to modifiable just long enough to complete the deliver. Or, deliver the changes to another project that still has that component as modifiable and ignore the warning message.
3) Remove all the versions that are members of the offending activity's change set that live in the now read-only component and then remove the activity, if empty.
4) For interproject deliver, if the target project has the offending component as non-modifiable, the target stream AND project's policies can be set so that the deliver is allowed. The changes to its non-modifiable component are simply ignored.

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Rebase to a baseline other than the recommended.
It's possible to rebase a stream to other than the recommended baseline. When Rebase Stream is initiated, click on the Advanced button. In the Change Rebase Configuration dialog, for each component in the project, you can choose to rebase against a baseline other than the recommended. The chosen baseline must be later than the recommended baseline. If a baseline earlier than the recommended baseline is chosen, the stream in question cannot have made any changes based on any baselines later than the chosen baseline. In addition, even though the chosen baseline is not the recommended baseline, it still must have a promotion level at or above the project's minimum promotion level.

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Find posted delivers.
Updated: 02/25/13
In a CCMS environment, the project's integration stream is often mastered at a site other than where development occurs. If this is the case, developers cannot complete delivers themselves because they are not allowed to perform checkouts in the integration stream. A deliver is merely "posted". An integrator at the other site needs to periodically check for posted delivers and complete the deliver process on behalf of the developer. Note that there is no automatic communication to the integrator when a deliver is posted, nor is there an automatic communication back to the developer when the deliver is complete. Email can be used or triggers can be associated with the deliver_start and deliver_complete operations. However, keep in mind that if the deliver_start trigger immediately sends an email to the integrator, the actual synchronization between the replicas may not happen until a later time. That is, the email notification will probably be faster than the actual delivery post.
In the Project Explorer, select a project and go to Tools -> Find Posted Deliveries. Integrators must already have their own integration views.
This cannot be accomplished from the CLI. Actually, you can if you resume a deliver and then parse the output.
	ct deliver -stream source-stream\@PVOB -resume -to integration-view

You will either get
	cleartool: Error: No deliver operation in progress on stream "source-stream"
	Activities included in this operation:
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Change the default deliver target of a stream.
Currently it isn't possible to change the default deliver target of a development stream after creation of the stream. However, the default target of an integration stream can be changed by going to its properties sheet in the Project Explorer. See the Change button on the General tab.
For development streams, as a short-term workaround, as of CC 5.0/2002 it's possible to deliver to a target that isn't the development stream's default. As a long-term workaround, simply create a new development stream whose default deliver target is correct.

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Share ownership of a stream.
Unfortunately, there is no way to directly share ownership of a stream. You can only have one stream owner at a time. The following choices can be used as workarounds (in order of recommendation):
1) Set the stream policy called POLICY_CHSTREAM_UNRESTRICTED, which skips permission checking to allow any user to modify an existing stream with chstream command. This can only be done from the CLI. Project policies override individual stream policies. So, for this to work, the same policy must be set at the project level as well.
  # ct chproject -policy POLICY_CHSTREAM_UNRESTRICTED project-selector
  # ct chstream  -policy POLICY_CHSTREAM_UNRESTRICTED stream-selector
If desired, use a trigger on the chstream command to allow only certain people or groups of people to use the chstream command.
2) Or, create a non-human, project-specific user account for the project whose password is only known by project management personnel. Have the user as the owner of the stream. This account would be an administrative user account akin to the CC Admin's vobadm (VOB Adminsitrator) account.
3) Or, have a CC Admin transfer ownership on an as needed basis using the "ct protect" command on the stream.
4) Or, create a setuid script for the users that allows certain people to perform project/stream related actions as another user.
5) Or, the owner of the stream can share their password with anyone else that needs to recommend baselines.

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Undo a completed deliver or rebase.
Unfortunately, there are no undeliver or unrebase commands. It is possible to undo a deliver, but you cannot undo a completed rebase if you've ever made changes in the stream being rebased. As for undo deliver, rmver or merging forward (subtractive merge) around the delivered changes is difficult. The following steps could/should probably be scripted. However, instead of running these commands, if the deliver changes weren't too large, you could simply, manually edit out the changes by hand and go forward without removing any history. NOTE: While you can undo a completed deliver with some work, it’s impossible to properly undo a completed rebase. However, in the case of rebase, if the stream being rebased has never been used to make any changes, it’s possible to simply rebase back to a previous baseline. If the stream being rebased has made any change, even if the change isn’t based upon the baseline just rebased against, you cannot then rebase to an earlier baseline. You’re stuck! Since you cannot rebase against an earlier baseline, even if you haven’t made any changes based upon the current baseline, the stream will be pointing to the wrong baseline. Even if you back out (by using rmver or subtractive merge) any changes incurred as a result of the rebase, the stream will still be pointing to the wrong baseline for elements that didn’t incur a change in the stream, perhaps because they were brand new. Your current and future views for the stream will be misconfigured.
Get a list of activities on the stream to which the deliver was done:
  # ct describe -fmt "%[activities]p\n" stream:destination-stream-name@\PVOB-tag

Find the deliver activity to be "undone".  It will start with "deliver.".
Get the list of versions in the activity's change set:
  # ct describe -fmt "%[versions]p\n" activity:deliver-activity-name@\PVOB-tag

Remove the versions along with any hyperlinks attached to them, only if the version is LATEST:
  # ct rmver -force -xhlink version-extended-path

Remove the deliver activity:
  # ct rmact -force deliver-activity-name@\PVOB-tag
IMPORTANT: The rmver command in the following procedure assumes that the version being removed is the LATEST version on the branch. If not, the actual changes that were part of that version will still exist in follow-on versions. That is, if you remove an intermediate version, you DO NOT remove the changes that were introduced in that version. Those changes will still exist in latter versions. If a version listed in the change set is not the LATEST version on the branch, you must conduct a subtractive merge to get rid of the changes introduced during the deliver. Set to a view associated with that stream. Checkout the element. Merge to the element by name while deleting the "bad" version.
  # ct co -nc LATEST-version

  # ct merge -to path-element_name -delete -version version
ex: ct merge -to M:\eostrand_ProjectX_Integration\MyVob\MyElement.txt -delete -version \main\projectx_integration\4

  # ct ci -c "comment" element
However, it can be even more complicated. What if the "bad" version is not the LATEST version on the branch and the LATEST version on the branch (which also contains the bad code) is marked as a baseline and a developer has rebased against the LATEST? The bad code will not only be on that original branch, but could be propagated to other branches as well. So, in the case where work has been done on the same stream subsequent to the deliver, it can be complicated to remove the change. If so, your best bet might be to manually edit out the change and redeliver.
Note that you should probably still remove the "bad" version even though you've merged around it. You should do that to empty out the activity's change set so that the activity can be removed.
In these cases, GOOD checkin comments are in order to explain what and why.

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Change stream mastership.
You may have the need to change the mastership of a stream in a MultiSite environment. One site can give up mastership to another site using the chmaster command. If the -stream option is used, all of the streams associated objects get their mastership transferred as well.
If you need to change mastership of a stream back and forth, such as an integration stream, you can use the schedule command to automatically run the "mt chmaster" command for you.
Another option to gain stream mastership other than having the mastering site give it up, is to forefully take mastership. The same chmaster command can take mastership of a stream without the remote site's permission. However, since at that moment, two sites will master and be able to modify the same stream, this should only be used as a last resort, such as when the other site is no longer available to properly give up mastership.

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Create a read-only stream.
When a stream is first created, it merely points to a baseline in the project. It's not until an artifact is modified using that stream does CC actually create a branch. So, you can create a stream that points a particular baseline for the purpose of building and testing older releases. In addition, if that build and test is to be done by personnel that have no business making modifications to the elements, you can create the stream as read-only. A read-only stream does not prevent the creation of view-private files in a view pointing to that stream. You cannot deliver to or from this stream, but you can rebase it to a different baseline. Because they are read-only, these streams are not restricted by the normal rebase rules.
To create a read-only stream, go to the Project Explorer, right-click on the stream that is to be the parent of the read-only stream and choose "Create Child Stream". In the resulting dialog be sure to check the box "Make Stream read only".
If creating a stream from the CLI, be sure to use the -readonly option.

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Auto-rebase as preop checkout.
Updated: 04/02/13
In some environments it may be desirable to force the user to rebase before any checkout to ensure their development stream is picking up on the latest recommended baseline. Unfortunately, it doesn't work directly as part of a preop checkout. The problem is that when the checkout process is started, the system has already chosen the version to branch from. If the rebase creates a new version of the file being checked out, the checkout is still going to come from the previous version.
The solution is that if the rebase creates a new version of the file being checked out, force a cancel of the checkout and let the user know that a new version was created during the mandatory rebase, and that they need to start the checkout again on the current file.

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Lock a stream.
Updated: 08/19/13
Locking a stream will prevent modifications to the stream object itself, such as a rename, and will also prevent any checkouts in the branch guarded by the stream.
To lock a stream using a GUI, access the ClearCase Project Explorer. Locate the PVOB, project, then stream. Right-click on the stream and select Properties. Under Lock tab, select Locked and/ or Obsolete.
To lock a stream from the CLI:
	# ct lock -obsolete stream:stream-name@PVOB-tag
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List all baselines applied to a stream.
Updated: 11/16/15
Version: 7.1.2
	# ct lsbl -s -stream stream-name@PVOB-tag
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Determine if there are any delivers in progress to a given stream.
Updated: 05/13/16
An integration stream can have delivers to it from many different dev streams, or even streams from a different project. Sometimes you want to know if there are any delivers in progress.
Unfortunately, I don't know of a single, elegant way to determine that. You can run "deliver -status" on each of the child streams, but that still wouldn't tell you if a stream outside the project is delivering.
At best, you could look for checkouts on the branch, but that wouldn't tell you if a deliver was started and perhaps got hung.
	ct lsco -brtype project_int -avobs > C:\temp\lsco.txt
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UCM views
UCM views are special, in that they are configured to only work in the UCM components for which they were created. However, their config_specs can be edited to suit. If a UCM view is used in a non-UCM VOB, no activity is required. However, if CC is integrated with CQ, it will prompt for an activity that will simply be ignored afterward.

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Emulate a UCM view with a base CC view.
The following is a non-supported solution. You won't find it in any manuals.
Even though the following config_spec will allow you to view a UCM baseline, you still cannot perform the checkouts in a UCM stream with a base CC view.
  element * CHECKEDOUT
  element * baseline
  element * component:component-name@PVOB/integration-stream

  element * CHECKEDOUT
  element * PROJECTX_2004_01_14
  element * component:source_code@/vobs/ucm_pvob/projectx_integration
Note that you cannot simply point a base CC view's config_spec at a UCM baseline's associated label. That baseline may be incremental, which means that the label won't appear on all elements. You must use UCM's ability to trace each baseline backward (via hyperlinks) until it finds one that is applied to a particular element and show you that version.

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Synchronize a view with its stream.
Updated: 02/23/12
A view can become out of sync with its stream. This can happen if something happens like a new component is added to the configuration. Each existing view will have to be updated with the new configuration.

In the CC Explorer, right-click on the view and select "View Properties" or "Properties of View". On the General tab, click "Synchronize with stream". The button will be ghosted out if the system thinks the current view is already in sync.

In CCRC, right-click on the view and select Refresh -> Update from Repository ... Refreshing a CCRC view automatically synchronizes it with its stream whether or not the new component is selected in the load rules.

In the CLI:
	ct setcs -stream -tag viewtag
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Determine a view's stream.
Updated: 03/14/16
Version: 7.1.2

In the ClearCase Explorer, if the view has a shortcut on the Views tab, right-click on the view and select Properties. The stream is listed under the General tab.
	ct lsstream -view view-tag
If it's not a UCM view, nothing is returned.

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Change the view associated with an in-progress deliver or rebase.
Updated: 07/19/13
Version: 7.1.2
If the view used for a rebase or deliver becomes corrupt or is removed prior to completing the second half of that operation, the operation can be completed using a new view and telling the deliver/rebase complete to use that other view.
	ct deliver -complete -stream stream:dev-stream-name@PVOB -force -reset -to new-integration-view-tag
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Determine the currently set activity.
Updated: 04/20/16
Version: 7.1.2
1) In the ClearCase Explorer or Windows Explorer, right-click on the view and select View Properties. The currently set activity will be listed in the center of the General tab.
2) In the ClearCase Explorer, when the view is selected (is the current one), all activities associated with the view will be listed under "My Activities". The currently set one will have a check mark.
3) From the CLI:
	# Sitting in the view:
	ct lsact -cact

	# A different view:
	ct lsact -cact -view view
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This page last modified: 05/27/2016